4 Best sources that will help you in Group Discussions

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Editorials & Opinion articles in The Hindu newspaper/ any authentic newspaper:

The Hindu newspaper is the best newspaper for students. It is followed by most of the civil services aspirants. You can find unbiased views on current affairs in the Editorials of The Hindu. Through opinion articles, you get to know why experts support or oppose particular steps of the government. Vast knowledge of social issues can be gained through these articles. You can read The Hindu editorials from here.

‘Big Picture’ program in Rajya Sabha TV:

This program of Rajya Sabha TV will hold discussions on current issues. Topics are discussed by the experts in the field, so they will analyse the issues using their practical knowledge. These videos are very helpful to understand the current issues in depth. You can access Big Picture videos from here.

‘Spotlight’ program in All India Radio:

You can listen to spotlight or News analysis program in All India Radio from 09:15 PM to 09:30 PM. AIR app is available in Play Store. This is also a discussion by experts. In just 15 minutes, we can understand the topics thoroughly. You can access Spotlight program archives from here.

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