Theme :

  • On 14th Feb 2019,  a suicide bomber rammed his vehicle filled with 350 kg of explosives into a convoy of security forces in Pulwama distrcit. 40 CRPF(Central Reserve Police Force) personnel were martyred in this attack. The responsibility of the attack is claimed by Pakistan-based terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammad.

Steps taken by India till now :

  • On 26th Feb 2019, Indian Air Force dropped laser-guided bombs on JeM terrorist camps in Balkot of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK). This strike killed 200-300 terrorists. This move is applauded and supported by international community. This is “pre-emptive” strike, which means this step is taken as a defence and to prevent further attacks on India. As per reports, JeM was planning more attacks on India.
  • After Pathankot terror attacks, in February 2016 India put forward a proposal at UNSC to list Masood Azhar, the chief of Jaish-e-Mohammed as a global terrorist. But China is blocking this request from the past two years using its veto power. Now, after Pulwama terror attacks, UNSC named Masood Azhar as a terrorist and stressed on the need for making the sponsers of terror attacks accountable. And France, US & UK are in plans to move a proposal to list Masood Azhar as a global terrorist. This is a victory for India.
  • Indian security forces conducted anti-terrorism encounter operation in which 3 terrorists were killed.
  • India withdrew Most Favored Nation (MFN) status to Pakistan, and raised customs duty on all goods imported from Pakistan to 200% As a rule of World Trade Organization (WTO), every member country should give MFN status to other member countries. India & Pakistan are also members of WTO, and hence gave MFN status to each other. But in 1971, during the third Indo-Pak war, both countries withdrew MFN status to each other. And again in 1996, India gave MFN status to Pakistan but not vice-versa. Now, after Pulwama attacks India withdrew MFN status to Pakistan. – Withdrwal of MFN status may not have a significant trade impact considering the already thinning trade between the countries and also the presence of informal trade between the India & Pakistan. But this step sends a message to our neighbouring country that we will not tolerate it’s lenient attitude towards terror organizations.
  • India took steps to stop the flow of India’s share of water to Pakistan. And this doesn’t affect Pakistan’s share of water under Indus water treaty. This decision was originally taken in 2016 after the Uri Terror attack. Backdrop of this is, at present 5% of India’s share of water under Indus water treaty is flowing to Pakistan. After the Uri terror attack, Indian govt started to build more dams to divert this 5% water to Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab. Now, the issue is taken more seriously.
  • India is breaking cultural ties with Pakistan by banning artists and sports persons into India. Though this punishes innocent artists, it serves the purpose of pressuring Pakistan to take action on terror organisations.
  • After Pulwama terror attacks, 2500 Kashmiri youth applied for 111 vacancies in Army. This is a victory for India because terrorists wanted to create divisions in India and they didn’t succeed.
  • CRPF is taking 20 Kashmiri students on a 6 day trip of ‘Bharat Darshan’, a nationwide tour. Many children in Kashmir valley did not venture outside their region.
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 Options before India :

  • War :- Several people & political leaders are advocating war as a move of retaliation.
    • If war happens, nobody really wins. Both countries have nuclear arms and hence war can result in wiping out crores of innocent people of both countries. In modern times, where all the large economies have nuclear arms, war will have dangerous consequences.
  • Dialogue :- Some countries are asking to have a dialogue to end terror attacks.
    • Dialogue solves the issues if both sides are willing to work together for good. Dialogue do not work if the other country is in denial of its role in the attack, when it is clearly evident that the terror outfit which claimed the attack is based in Pakistan. In 2018, more than 2,350 ceasefire violations happened from Pakistan side at LoC (Line of Control). So the situation is beyond the stage of discussions.
  • Multidimensional approach :- Long-term strategy to eliminate terror organisations from the neighbouring country.
    • There is a need to take the help of international community to put pressure on Pakistan to take action on the terrorists who are residing in the country. Pakistan is already facing economic crisis and is seeking assistance from International Monitory Fund (IMF). Hence pressure from the countries of world can yield positive results.
    • Though many countries condemned the attack, only US and Iran named Pakistan for financing terrorism. Iran too want to take action against Pakistan because on 13th Feb, 2019, a sucide bomber killed 27 Iran’s elite revolutionary guards. Pakistan based Jaish-al-Adl claimed responsibility for the attack. Countries that are sharing border with Pakistan – India, Afghanistan & Iran are the victims of these terrorist organisations. And the fact is that Pakistan is itself a victim of these terror organisations. There is a need to mobilise international community to take action on this.
    • The suicide bomber could able to ram his vehicle into the convoy of soldiers means there is a security lapse somewhere which leaked the timing of the movement of convoy. This needs to be addressed.
    • People of Kashmir are living in the troubled area and hence need more support from the government. Terrorists try to radicalise the youth against government. India should not give even a little chance to them. There should be more efforts from India to address the concerns of Kashmiris.
    • Efforts to eliminate terrorism should be continuous and not just at the time of attacks.
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Conclusion :

In the present situation, neither war nor dialogue can solve the issue. A long-term strategy is needed to uproot the terror outfits from our neighbouring country with the support of the international community.

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  • Prana kumar., Apr 3, 2019 @ 7:35 pm Reply

    In my opinion… India has taken right decision to boycott its products and actor to pressurize the government to support terrorists. We have to come front and make understand to all Pakistani that if there a war like situation creates then both nation would face fatal result. So, now Indian government should just pressurize pak gov to understand the bad effect of supporting terrorist like masood azhar. I am quite sure that it will work and they have to kneel down….

  • M JAYAPRAKASH, Mar 13, 2019 @ 3:12 pm Reply

    Kashmir issue travelling more than 40 years , In Multiple period not different parties ruled The central government , but still now a single leader of any parties not interested to solve this issue. It’s show’s , problems are assets to run parties in Country. Other countries ready to stand as center person between dispute nations.UN guide worldwide placed countries, but very few nations , not obey the rules of UN assembly, untill impose of banning financial assistance. UN assembly has rights to eliminate terrorism from anywhere , by using UN NATO forces, Some Nation encouraging Other nation , who activated Terrorism and conduct attack on Border sharing countries by using Terrorism aid weapons from own defence force.

  • Pankaj, Mar 10, 2019 @ 10:32 am Reply

    Consistent hammering Pakistan is needed, there is no strategic policy regarding Pakistan in India. We retaliate and sit untill new attack takes place. We should not wait but strike down their terror camps. Indian forces has been knowing where are the camps but decision to attack is given by politicians who afraid to take strong steps because of its negative consequences, government need to show faith , we just think that if we take strong actions than we have to be prepared for extreme counter attacks and here we need to believe in our security agencies.
    Radicalization of Kashmir is main concern and India still doesn’t entered in information war which needed to deradicalise the jihad in Kashmir

  • Natwar Singh, Mar 1, 2019 @ 2:41 pm Reply

    Yes, I appreciate your views and this is right that war or talks will not give us good results against terrorism. And at present time India has plus point i.e support of International powers. This can be a Golden chance to stop or decrease terrorism in Pakistan which is threatening the India’s Security. And at present Pakistan is getting international pressure. And it’s so called Friend China should also be international Pressurized for not helping the Pakistan in its terror activities. US has openly accused China for helping in Increment of terrorism .India has good relations with the top powerful countries and can take advantage of this for pressuring Pakistan at the time when Pakistan is its poor financial and helpless condition.
    India should use this opportunity perfectly and act Seriously against Pakistan and terrorism . This is the chance, and India can do this undoubtedly.

    • S Sunil Kumar, Mar 9, 2019 @ 12:31 pm Reply

      Very well said….
      Right time to act against Terrorism and the country that advocates it.

  • pooja khyalia, Feb 28, 2019 @ 8:20 am Reply

    I think war is not a solution for any problem and specially not for such a emerging economy like india………………………we have better examples of afganistan , Syria,iraq and Pakistan itself whose economy is devastated so we have to consider this…….but on the other hand terrorists like Masud Azhar are becoming a threat not to india but to the mankind ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so they must be dealt cleverly like Osama bin laden,,,,,,,,,,,i trust indian diplomats in this matter we can support our government and we will support them……………….in meanwhile we have to beware of the separatists who are trying to alluring youth against Kashmiris ……..we have to try and understand the problems of kashmiris and then govt. should consider those problems………….social media is also spreading so fake hatred among people so we need to stop at our own level that thing and we have to identify the terrorists aim and have to destroy their intentions and keep up our unity……………………..JAI HIND

  • Pramod Thapliyal, Feb 26, 2019 @ 11:33 am Reply

    Every time there is such kind of terror attack we start searching for various options, but ended in bilateral talks, pressure from international agencies , proving that attacks are from neighbors supported terror groups. Every body knows who are culprits and who are supporters but we have to understand that it is our battle and we only have to fight it, without waiting for 3 rd party help. We are capable in that but due to lack of a long statergy our agencies are not been able to overcome these situations. If we are looking ourself as the future super power then it is time to fight at our own without waiting for others help.

    • pooja, Feb 27, 2019 @ 11:41 pm Reply

      yes you are right pramod ,,,,,happy to hear that our youth is thoughtful not aggressive

  • Sukanya Chettri, Feb 22, 2019 @ 3:42 pm Reply

    Dialogue is what it is not going to help anywhere to improve the relationship between India and Pakistan, but first and foremost thing to do is to put Them with a question, what they are going to get taking the life of thousands of innocence ,if they think that India is loosing a armed power then they are completely wrong because there are lots of youths who are going to joined armed force to serve the country.

    • manjit salaria, Feb 24, 2019 @ 7:25 am Reply

      The issue needs a permanent solution. Which can only be happen with the help of international organisations. War is not a solution. But India is capable to give befitting reply to enemy. India should seek help of international organisations and big power countries to solve the issue. Pakistan is financing terrorism from its soil. India should try to prove it at UN. Pakistan should be banned from all international organisations. When Pakistan git downed on international level.
      Dialogue should only commenced when Pakistan takes action against terrorism at his soil

      • pooja, Feb 27, 2019 @ 11:52 pm Reply

        but we have to understand that only we can solve it other countries can only back it but first step has to be taken by india ……….every country of the world is saying that Pakistan is a terrorist country and if not saying they know this you know when Pakistan attended shanghai cooperation organization in 2018 china ordered all the VIP hotels of china not to let stay Pakistani more than a week what can be more shameful than this? but china needs Pakistan for CPEC previously America used Pakistan for afganistan and Iraq now china is using it

        • Shubham, Apr 19, 2019 @ 4:09 pm Reply

          Yes very well said.. Last point..

      • Shubham, Apr 19, 2019 @ 3:55 pm Reply

        Yes you’re absolutely right but CHINA is misusing veto power and our efforts are ending with no successful outcomes.

    • pooja, Feb 27, 2019 @ 11:44 pm Reply

      you are right I am also army aspirants but Sukanya such people are not having any thoughts of right or wrong these are greatly misguided people nothing works for them……………………

    • pooja, Feb 27, 2019 @ 11:45 pm Reply

      yes you are right I am also an army aspirant

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