
  • In November 2020, United States of America will have elections to elect their next president.
  • Donald Trump, the 45th and current president of the United States, has been in power since January 20th 2017. He succeeded Barrack Obama and is from the Republican political party.
  • Trump has a strong sense of business and has been specialized in economics. Before diving into politics, he has been a businessman and a television person.

Pros :

  • Trump has a confident and powerful personality which is a plus point for the field of politics. Instead of practising nepotism towards a particular group or getting into lobbies, he chooses to be the main power himself and promotes his strengths.
  • Tax cuts for companies and individuals helped in economic growth.
  • The unemployment rate was low under Donald Trump’s presidency until the outbreak of COVID-19.


  • Trump is failed in controlling COVID-19 outbreak in the USA. As of August 2020, there 60 lakh cases & 82,000 COVID deaths in the country.
  • He withdrew the USA from the Paris Agreement on Climate change mitigation. This agreement is very important to work on environmental protection, and the withdrawal of the USA is a regressive step.
  • Trump is against liberal immigration policies. This is affecting the employment of immigrants and also IT companies in the USA.
  • He initiated the US-China trade war, which affected many businesses and hence the global economy. Farmers in the USA faced losses because China imposed restrictions on its imports from the USA.
  • Racism & white supremacy has increased in Trump’s term.
  • Till recently, the USA was considered as a global leader by many. But many people are in the opinion that in Trump’s term, the USA is losing its position as a global leader.
  • The US national debt has increased by approximately $6.6 trillion under Donald Trump’s presidency.
  • His self-promotion and launching himself as a brand game has been played strongly, more than the significant goals as a president.
  • Trump has been through a lot of bankruptcy and he openly tries to bend the laws to his favour to save himself from the governments and banks to burden him anymore. This shows some flaws in his personality like a lack of responsibility towards his position.
  • Trump has been prioritizing some noticeable issues like the Muslim immigration clampdown, challenging the independence of the Fed, bizarre and ill-qualified cabinet selections, antagonizing China and other trading partners for no reason or embracing Russia and its rogue regime. This is not acceptable beyond limits and can turn people and communities against him.
  • Under Trump, the US economy and long-term interest rates are sky-rising by day. This, in turn, increases the strength of dollars. This can be trouble for developing countries like Brazil, India and Russia, whose economies are relatively low.
  • The boosting of public spending and cutting down on taxes may be alarming as the rate of inflation will increase. This will also impact on financial trades.
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Conclusion :

Trump got so much criticism in his term. However, he has supporters as well. The coming elections will reveal whether the citizens are with him or not.

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