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  • COP26 – 26th United Nations climate change conference took place in Glasgow from 31 October -12 November 2021.
What is COP26:
  • The Conference of Parties (COP) conducts a meeting every year starting from 1995. The parties refer to 197
Urbanization challenges and remedies
Social GD Topics

Urbanization: challenges and remedies

What is urbanization:
  • More and more people are moving from rural areas to cities leading to the growth of cities. This process is called urbanization.
  • In general, urbanization is a sign of progress because it leads to economic and social
community kitchens - pros and challenges
Current Affairs GD Topics Social GD Topics

Community kitchens – Pros & Challenges

  • In November 2021, the government of India started working on drafting a national policy to set up community kitchens throughout the country.
  • The step was taken in response to the public interest litigation (PIL) filed in the Supreme court
coal shortage in India
Outdated GD topics

Coal shortage in India

  • In October 2021, India faced the highest power shortages in the last 5 years due to coal shortage.
The reasons for coal shortage in India:
  • After the lockdowns were lifted, the reopening of the economy increased the demand for
solar energy - pros & challenges
Current Affairs GD Topics Environment GD Topics General GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Solar energy – pros & challenges

What is solar energy:
  • Solar energy is created by converting the energy of sunlight into electrical energy.
Pros of solar energy:
  • Solar energy generation does not release greenhouse gases, so there will be no negative effect on the environment. It