Articles By This Author

What if bitcoin crash to zero
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics International GD Topics Technology GD Topics

What if Bitcoin crashes to zero?

  • Several investors including John Paulson, Jeff Schumacher are predicting that the value of bitcoin will eventually become zero. But many others are of the opinion that it is impossible, they do believe that the value of a bitcoin will
College should be free for everyone
Education GD Topics General GD Topics

College should be free for everyone

Yes – College should be free for everyone:
  • When college education is free, the number of graduates will drastically increase. At present, many people do not have access to higher education. So many students are not joining colleges due to
manipulative marketing
Ethical GD Topics

Manipulative marketing

What is manipulative marketing?
  • Manipulative marketing means tricking consumers into buying products through manipulation. More and more people are now questioning such marketing practices.
Points to speak:
  • Exaggerated claims are the most common type of manipulative marketing practices. For example,
digital privacy
General GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Digital privacy

What is digital privacy?
  • Digital privacy means the protection of the personal information of individuals who use digital mediums.
Points to speak:
  • We provide our personal information to many apps and websites mostly to use their services. For example, we
Current Affairs GD Topics General GD Topics


  • When ‘COVID-19’ is your GD topic, you can speak about so many things such as why it became a pandemic, the impact it has on our lives and economies, the lessons it taught to the world etc.
Points to…