Articles By This Author

street food ban
General GD Topics

Should street food be banned?

Yes – Street food should be banned:
  • In most cases, street food is prepared in an unhygienic way.
  • It is very difficult to conduct checks on hygiene at all the street food making places.
  • Street food carts encroach footpaths, parking
cambridge anaytica gd topic
Current Affairs GD Topics Ethical GD Topics

Facebook – Cambridge Analytica data scandal

What is Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal :-
  • In 2013, Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm took personal data from people through an app on Facebook named ‘This is your Digital Life‘. They conducted a quiz to know users’ personal ideologies
GDPR gd topic
Current Affairs GD Topics

EU’s GDPR – Impact on India

Theme :-
  • ‘European Union‘ (EU) implemented ‘General Data Protection Regulation‘ (GDPR) with effective from May 25th, 2018.
What is GDPR :-
  • GDPR was designed to protect the ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ (PII) of EU’s citizens.
  • It is applicable to all the
public image of the police
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Public perception of the Police – How can it be improved?

Theme :-
  • Recently Gagandeep Singh, a young daring police officer stood against a violent mob to save an innocent young man. When a video of this incident went viral, he raised the image of the police among public. In general,
walmart-flipkart deal
Economic GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics

Flipkart-Walmart deal – Impact on India

Theme :-
  • Walmart has struck a deal with Flipkart in May 2018 and is buying 77% stake in it.
Positive impact :-
  • Walmart trusted the potential of Indian E-commerce sector. This deal will raise confidence on Indian E-commerce market and