Articles By This Author

General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Is it time to replace Mahatma Gandhi’s picture on Indian currency notes?

Against :-
  • Mahatma Gandhi is India’s Father of the Nation. So, it’s perfectly right to give him the honor by placing his portrait on currency notes.
  • Mahatma Gandhi contributed a lot to the India’s freedom struggle and has played a
women office
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Should women be encouraged to work in night shifts?

In Favor :-
  • Instead of discouraging women from working in night shifts, safety measures should be improved.
  • It will provide equal opportunities to men and women.
  • Gender gap will be reduced.
  • When more women work in night shifts, no woman
homeschooling in India
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Should Homeschooling be encouraged in India?

What is Homeschooling :-
  • Homeschooling is educating children at home instead of sending them to school.
In Favor :-
  • These days, schools have become coercive. Leave learning, kids are facing too much pressure and stress which effect their mental health.
General GD Topics

Should Uniforms be mandatory in schools?

In Favor :-
  • India is one of the most diverse countries in the world. There are many cultures, creeds in India. School uniforms are the best way to create a  feeling that ‘We are all one‘.
  • It instills the sense
Outdated GD topics

Donald Trump Presidency – Impact on the world

Impact on USA & the world :-
  • US & China are at a trade war due to Trump’s revised tariffs on Chinese goods to support American companies. This trade war is not just affecting both the countries but also the