Articles By This Author

Political GD Topics

Can India get into NSG?

What is NSG :-
  • ‘Nuclear Suppliers Group’ (NSG) is a group of Nuclear supplier countries that are allowed to trade in & export nuclear material technology.
  • It was formed in 1974 to limit exports of nuclear equipment, materials and technology,
Should Hindi be the National language of India
Current Affairs GD Topics Education GD Topics General GD Topics

Should mother tongue be the medium of instruction in schools?

  • According to the ‘National Education Policy’ 2020, which was launched in July 2020, the mother tongue or local/regional is to be the medium of instruction for students till class 5. Compulsory education in mother tongue sparked debates throughout the
unsc reforms
Political GD Topics

Does UNSC need to be reformed?

Background :-
  • ‘United Nations’ (UN), an intergovernmental organization was formed in 1945 to deal with the international challenges in the post world war period and to establish peace in the world.
  • UN has six principal organs including ‘General Assembly’ and
paternity leave
Social GD Topics

Should Fathers be given Paternity Leave?

What is Paternity leave :-
  • Paternity leave is the leave father can take from his work to take care of his child.
Yes :-
  • Paternity leave improves the bond and affection between father and child.
  • It reduces the burden on
technology unemployment
General GD Topics

Is Technology rising Unemployment rates?

Yes :-
  • Redundancy and Automation is continuously replacing human labour.
  • If any business depends heavily on human labour, it tends to fail as it cannot cope up with the competition from the technologically advanced competitors.
  • Several kinds of jobs are