Articles By This Author

relevance of gandhi
General GD Topics

Relevance of Gandhi in modern world.

The need for Gandhi’s influence on present society :-
  • In modern world violence is increasing rapidly.
  • Nuclear weapons and terrorism are becoming common in this modern world.
  • So many people are getting more and more divided into national, religious and
social networking sites - boon or bane
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Social networking sites – Boon or Bane?

What is a Social networking site:
  • Social networking sites (SNS) are online platforms where people can meet other people and can make friendships. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are a few examples of SNS.
  • Social networking was started on the internet in
genetically modified food
Environment GD Topics Ethical GD Topics General GD Topics

Genetically modified products – Boon or bane?

Background :-
  • Agricultural Biotechnology is the area of bio-technology involving applications to agriculture.
  • In Agricultural biotechnology, cross-breeding of plants used to be done to get desired results such as disease resistant plants and to increase crop productivity etc.
  • In the
how to deal with international terrorism
International GD Topics Political GD Topics Social GD Topics

How to deal with international terrorism?

  • Terrorism refers to the violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror).
  • Lakhs of innocent people have died because of terrorism. And so many people were badly affected. In the modern world, terrorism is one of the biggest
big dams
Environment GD Topics Economic GD Topics Ethical GD Topics General GD Topics

Are Big Dams Necessary?

In Favor :-
  • There are multiple benefits by big dams. They provide water for irrigation, prevents of floods and generates electricity.
  • Large dams have the potential to save the country from critical food shortages.
  • We cannot blame dams for improper