Articles By This Author

Economic GD Topics

Can Trade help the poor?

  • Exchange of goods and services is called as ‘Trade’.
  • In ancient days, goods were exchanged directly. Later money is being used as medium of exchange.
  • ‘Free trade’ refers to a general openness to exchange goods, labor and information between
age and youth
General GD Topics

Age and Youth: Experience And Young Talent

In Favor to Age:-
  •  They have more practical knowledge rather than bookish knowledge.
  • Aged people have more patience than youth. Most of the young people easily get bored by some routine work in organization.
  • Most of the violent activities are
Environment GD Topics Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Should Water Resources Be Nationalized?

  • At present, all rivers and lakes in India are in the authority of respective state government.
  • In some areas floods are occurring and in some areas droughts occurring. If we connect all the rivers these problems will be solved.
Social GD Topics

Indian villages – Our Strength or Weakness?

Indian Villages – Strength of India :-
  • Mahatma Gandhi once said – “The future of India lies in its villages”. According to Gandhiji, villages are self-sufficient units. He believed that peace and non-violence exists in India.
  • Villages are the backbone
Education GD Topics General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Private Educational Institutions – Good or Bad?

In Favor:-
  • Through privatization, quality of education will be good.
  • It’s difficult for govt. to maintain all schools and colleges. So, it’s better to give some responsibility to private people.
  • Students will become familiar with competitive world.
  • Some private institutes