Technology GD Topics


What are cobots?:
  • Collaborative robots (Cobots) work with humans in a shared space. They are designed to either assist or guide humans.
Points to speak on ‘cobots’:
  • Traditional robots perform programmed tasks in an isolated environment to prevent harm to
inclusive workplace
General GD Topics

Inclusive workplace

What is an inclusive workplace:
  • An inclusive workplace is where everyone irrespective of gender, race, religion, or position in the company, feels valued and respected. No discrimination exists in an inclusive workplace.
Points to speak on ‘Inclusive workplace’:
  • When employees
Deep tech startups
General GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Deep Tech startups

What is a Deep Tech startup:
  • Deep Tech or Hard Tech startups are companies that develop engineering and scientific innovations to solve complex real-world problems. Developing an affordable solution for treating life-threatening diseases, creating IoT-based accident prevention systems for vehicles
green economy
Economic GD Topics

Green economy

What is ‘Green economy’:
  • A green economy aims at development without causing a negative impact on the environment.
Points to speak on ‘Green economy’:
  • The present economy encourages people to buy more things. Rising materialism is depleting natural resources, causing
India - Sri Lanka relations
Current Affairs GD Topics

India – Sri Lanka relations

  • India is helping Sri Lanka as the country is going through an economic crisis. India’s help during the crisis has improved the relations between both countries.
India – Sri Lanka relations:
  • India and Sri Lanka maintained good relations till