Industry 5.0
Technology GD Topics

Industry 5.0

Previous Industrial revolutions:
  • The First Industrial revolution was started in the 1760s. It is the transition from hand production methods to machines. So, mechanization is the first industrial revolution.
  • The Second Industrial Revolution was started in about 1880s, which included
Alternative work arrangements
General GD Topics

Alternative work arrangements

  • Until recently, traditional 9 to 5 jobs are the popular form of employment. But COVID pandemic changed the way we work. Now, alternative work arrangements such as work from home, gig work are becoming increasingly popular.
Points to speak…
role of media in society
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Role of media in society

Role of media in society:
  • Media refers to channels of communication that deliver information to the public. Newspapers, Television, Digital media, Radio are different types of media.
  • Media is regarded as the fourth pillar of democracy. It questions the decisions
Night owls vs Early birds
Abstract GD Topics

Night owls vs Early birds

Night owls vs Early birds:
  • A night owl is a person, who regularly stays awake and active at night and wakes up late. An early bird is a person, who goes to bed early and wakes up in the early
Linking Aadhaar card with Voter ID - Pros & Cons
Current Affairs GD Topics

Linking Aadhaar card with Voter ID – Pros & Cons

  • ‘Election Laws (Amendment) Bill’, 2021 was passed in the parliament in December 2021. This bill seeks to link aadhaar cards with Voter IDs.
Pros of linking aadhaar card with Voter ID:
  • This can be used to eliminate fake voter