Syrian crisis
International GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics

Syrian crisis

How did it start? The Syrian Civil War started in March 2011. The demonstrations were similar to the demonstrations in other Arab countries. The citizens of Syria wanted their President Bashar-Al-Asad to resign, as his family has held the leadership…
China–Pakistan Economic Corridor
General GD Topics


CPEC stands for ‘China Pakistan Economic Corridor‘. It is a very vital part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. For Pakistan, it is a huge developmental boost. Apart from trade benefits, China can maintain its presence in Central Asia as…
data localisation pros & cons
Technology GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics

Data Localisation – Benefits & Challenges

  • At the 14th G20 summit, which was held in June 2019, India backed data localisation laws.
  • In April 2018, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued a circular which mandated payment system operators to store entire data related to
Water crisis in India
Let's Discuss

Let’s Discuss – Day 23 | Participate in the Group Discussion

Note :- If possible, please write your comments in the comment section of the embedded youtube video, so that all comments will be at one place. Today is the 23rd day of ‘Let’s Discuss’ program. This program is like a…
Political GD Topics

Referendums strengthen democracy

What is a referendum: Referendums are a public voting system through which the whole electorate participates in decision making on a particular policy through voting. Advantages of referendums:
  • It can be said that referendums are a direct form of democracy.