criminalization of politics
General GD Topics

Criminalization of politics

What is criminalization of politics? Over the years, it has been seen that MLAs and MPs with criminal charges filed against them have increased. The statistics reveal an unsettling increasing trend. In Lok Sabha elections of 2004, 24% of MPs…
Political GD Topics General GD Topics

Democracy vs Monarchy

  • Monarchy is a form of government in which only one person will be the main authority in ruling the country. In general, monarchy’s position is inherited.
  • The people of a country have no say on electing their ruler. The
the world does not need religion group discussion
Abstract GD Topics

The world does not need religion

Religions are a set of rules that guide individuals throughout their lives. And I strongly believe that they have served their purpose and we do not need them anymore.
  • As Yuval Noah Harari says “What we need now are morality
Air India gd topic
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

How to lessen losses of Air India?

Theme :-
  • Air India has been making losses over the past decade.
  • In 2018, Indian government tried to privatise Air India, but no one was interested in buying it.
Background :-
  • Air India was founded by JRD Tata in 1946.
money is honey gd topic
Abstract GD Topics

Money is honey

“Money is sweeter than honey” is a famous and self-explanatory quote. But is it really true? Money is often seen by everyone as a panacea. Being rich is often assumed to be equal to being happy and content. But had…