creativity vs knowledge
General GD Topics

Which one is more important – Creativity or Knowledge?

Knowledge is the information that we have through the experiences of our predecessors and our own at present. Information of all things discovered or experienced is knowledge. But, creativity is needed to put that information together to come up with…
teacher vs soldier
General GD Topics

Who serves the country most – Teacher or Solider?

Let us compare the roles of a soldier and a teacher. Soldier :-
  • Guards the country against external threats.
  • In order to continue his job effectively, he has to stay away from his home, family for prolonged periods of time.
Economic GD Topics

Is Stock Market similar to gambling?

The answer is both Yes and No for this question. But the answers are applicable to different people. First and foremost, Gambling is the wagering of money or something of value on an event with an uncertain outcome, with the…
status of women in India
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Status of women in India

History :-
  • From the Vedic period till Islamic invasion of India women enjoyed equality. They were free to choose their partner (Swayamvar) and what type of relation she wants to have (marriage or Gandharva Vivah i.e. live in relationship), along
  • gender equality in workforce
    General GD Topics

    Gender Equality in the workplace

    Theme :- Gender Inequality in the workplace is a very prevalent phenomenon in India. And women are the victims of it. But there are a lot of misnomers, wrong assumptions, and inferences that need to be taken into account to…