who is the true ally of India
General GD Topics

Who is the true ally of India?

What do you mean by an ally?
  • An all-weather friend who can be relied on for support through thick and thin.
Prospective Allies of India :-
  • India has numerous alliances with nations all across the globe. But to keep it
lack of inclusive growth
General GD Topics

India is a fast developing country. Despite this, people at the bottom are not benefiting of it. In your view, what is the reason behind it?

India is a fast developing country. despite this, the people at bottom are not benefiting of it. In your view, what is the reason behind it ? a) Governance b) Capitalism c) Population Capitalism :- Capitalism is an economic and…
Political GD Topics

Coalition politics in India

Theme :-
  • In India, there are 545 seats in LokSabha. In them, 2 seats are reserved for Anglo-Indian community. So, in the remaining 543 seats, if any party gets more than half of the seats, that party will form the
The Future of cryptocurrencies
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics Technology GD Topics

The Future of Cryptocurrencies

What is a Cryptocurrency :-
  • At present money transactions from one person to another person go through financial institutions such as banks. The invention of cryptocurrency allowed user to user transactions without the need of intermediary institutions. Through cryptocurrency, users
The future of cryptocurrencies
Let's Discuss

Let’s Discuss – Day 10 | Participate in the Group Discussion

Note :- Please write your comments in the comment section of the embedded youtube video, so that all comments will be at one place. Today is the 10th day of ‘Let’s Discuss’ program. This program is like a virtual group…