black vs grey
Abstract GD Topics

Black or Grey – Abstract GD Topic

Points to speak on the topic – ‘Black or Grey’ GD topic:
  • Many people dye their grey hair with black colour because of the perspective of society on ageing. When we see so many advertisements every day that promote products
moody's rating upgrade
Economic GD Topics

Moody’s rating upgrade – Impact on India’s economy

Background :- On 16th November 2017, international rating agency, ‘Moody’s Investor Services’ upgraded India’s government debt rating from Baa3 to Baa2 after 13 years and also changed the outlook from ‘stable’ to ‘positive’. This upgrade will boost the Indian economy…
Let's Discuss - Day 8
Let's Discuss

Let’s Discuss – Day 8 | Participate in the Group Discussion

Note :- Please write your comments in the comment section of the embedded youtube video, so that all comments will be at one place. Today is the 8th day of ‘Let’s Discuss’ program. For those who are not aware of…
sustainable development hampers industrial progress
Environment GD Topics

Sustainable development hampers industrial progress

In the most general terms, sustainable development has been defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. It deals with the harmonisation of three core…
is india ready for 5g
Technology GD Topics General GD Topics

Is India ready for 5G?

Theme :-
  • At present the whole world is using 4G cellular communication technology, and a good number of users are still using 2G & 3G services.
  • Now, the world is looking towards implementing 5th generation cellular communication technology, which will