General GD Topics Political GD Topics

Role of India in United Nations

Background :- With the motive to maintain international peace and security and to promote cooperation in economic, social and cultural fields, the United Nation Organisation was established on 24th October, 1945 in San Francisco, California. It was formed soon after…
GD topics

695+ GD Topics (with Answers) of 2024

Don’t forget to check the Top 30 GD topics of 2023. Bookmark this page, because new topics will be added daily. :) Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.…
universal basic income
Economic GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics General GD Topics

Universal Basic Income – Pros & Cons

Theme :-
  • Indian Government is likely to bring ‘Universal Basic Income scheme’.
Universal basic income (UBI) or basic income is a periodic cash payment that each citizen of a country or region is provided irrespective of his income, resources or…
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics General GD Topics International GD Topics

G20 – GD Topic

What is G-20?:
  • With the objective to bring together the growing and industrialized economies of the world and to discuss global issues, the G-20 (Group of Twenty) was formed on 26th September 1999. The members consist of 19 individual countries
Social GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics General GD Topics

Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill – GD Topic

Theme :-
  • ‘Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill‘ was passed by Lok Sabha on 19th Dec 2018. The bill was introduced in 2016.
  • Surrogacy bill banned commercial surrogacy and allowed surrogacy for the married couples that are medically proven infertile.
Positive side :-…