Books vs screens

books vs screens

Points to speak on the topic – “Books vs Screens” – 

In Favor of Books:

  • When reading a book, distractions are minimal compared to reading on screens, leading to deep reading and enhanced recall abilities.
  • Reading a book typically causes less eye strain when compared with reading on screens.
  • Holding a book in your hands and reading it provides an irreplaceable experience that screens can’t match.
  • Since books have fewer distractions, reading them has the potential to reduce stress.
  • Books require less maintenance since they don’t need charging or an internet connection.

In Favor of Screens:

  • Screens are cost-effective. We can learn many things with the help of smartphones and the internet. Moreover, e-books and the content on the internet are cheaper than physical books.
  • Screens are inclusive. For example, they have a feature called text-to-speech, which is very helpful for visually impaired people, making it easier for them to understand and enjoy content.
  • Screens are easy to carry, making them convenient to take anywhere, unlike books which can be heavier and bulkier to transport.
  • Books lack the convenience found in screens, where you can increase text size, change its colour, and search for specific words.


Choosing between books and screens depends on what someone likes. Some may prefer traditional books with their physical pages, while others might like screens, such as tablets or smartphones, where they can read and explore information digitally. It completely depends on personal preference.

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Photo by Parth Shah

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