Can celebrities make good politicians?

Can celebrities make good politicians?

Before we get into the topic, first let us see who are politicians?

  • Politicians are basically leaders who campaign for a political party and contest elections if nominated by the party. If they win the elections, they become Members of Parliament (M.P.) or Members of Legislative Assembly (M.L.A.) and then participate in governmental activities.
  • As we know now that politicians are basically leaders, so to be a good politician one has to be a good leader.
  • If a celebrity fulfils the requirement of an efficient leader and enter politics, chances are very high that he/she will turnout to be a good politician, depending upon the party members, cooperation from the senior party members etc.
  • Many a times due to a celebrity’s individual fan following he/she may be able to secure the votes and win the election for the first time. But in case he/she isn’t able to live up to people’s expectations he is likely to lose the next time. For example, Donald Trump after being elected he is facing so much criticism, and many opine that he is the most terrible President of the USA.
  • It also happens that the public may admire a celebrity for his/her works but is not ready to accept him as a politician yet. In that case he/she has to prove their worth. Once they earn the trust of the citizens as politicians, they are voted to power.

Conclusion :-

Becoming a politician is not a big deal, one has to just join a party. And if one is a celebrity already joining a party and moving up the ladder becomes very easy. But, if a celebrity has traits of a good leader then only he/she may end up being a good politician.

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Pic credits : Gage Skidmore via Flickr under CC 2.0

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