City Life:-

Advantages of City Life:-

  • City life has an advanced and well-equipped environment. People migrate to cities because of better job opportunities, stability and a decent income which is still a dream in villages.
  • Cities have a vast number of schools, colleges and universities. Hence, people in cities get proper quality education which is a primary factor for a quality life.
  • Recreation and entertainment options are plenty in the cities. People also get adequate opportunities to establish and showcase their talents here.
  • Better transportation, sanitation, availability of water and drainage systems are seen in cities. The drainage of polluted water goes through treatment before getting dumped in lakes or rivers. This keeps a small check on pollution too.
  • Medical help is at our fingertips. There are a number of hospitals and clinics and well-equipped doctors and nurses for people in need.
  • All services are just a click away. For example, we can order food online and also can order repair services from apps.
  • Anonymity in cities helps in escaping from the judgements of people.

Disadvantages of city life:-

  • Urbanization is increasing at a rapid pace, and currently, about 33-34% of Indians live in cities. This rate is expected to be around 40% by 2030. With the high population density, the quality of life in cities is expected to degrade and become unfit for living. The competition for resources such as land and water can increase prices at a rapid rate.
  • City life is a very busy one, developing every second into a better version of itself. This results in a loss of cultural qualities and flavours.
  • High demand for city life has resulted in congestion.
  • The city’s population increases day by day. This leads to an environment with polluted air, smog, unclean water supplies, and noise pollution.
  • Increase in pollution rates in the cities brings in more health issues. People tend to fall sick more in cities due to the polluted environment which is unfit for living.
  • An increase in costs and expenditure is a vital problem for city dwellers. This creates a reason for more competition for gaining wealth and hence increases stress and crimes too.
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Village Life:-

Advantages of rural life:-

  • A pollution-free environment is available in most rural/village areas.
  • The scenic beauty and greenery of rural areas are prominent. This also attracts tourists from around the globe. Moreover, watching greenery every day reduces the risk of anxiety and depression.
  • Rural areas have a scope for socio-economic benefits like low prices of agricultural and consumer products, access to markets, public transport, employment opportunities, and better education and healthcare facilities.
  • The essence of folk and culture is prominent in these areas. This defines the rural areas uniquely.
  • In the present times, as we have more self-employment opportunities such as starting a channel on YouTube to earn money, people can earn well by staying in rural areas too. Moreover, the lower cost of living in rural areas, when compared with the cost of living in cities can help people to save more money.

Disadvantages of rural life:-

  • Lack of higher education institutions is one of the main disadvantages of rural lives. This creates the main hurdle to better standards of living and forces people to move to cities.
  • Rural areas have poor road connectivity. Some rural areas do not have road connectivity. And some other rural areas do not have access to all-weather roads.
  • Limited medical help is another main disadvantage in these areas.
  • Rural life is difficult for many, especially for women because of the lack of proper sanitation and toilets in many rural areas.


Though city life has many disadvantages, people flock there more for its advantages such as more opportunities and facilities. Improper road connectivity is one of the main reasons for the slow economic growth in rural areas. But the government is making situations better for rural India. The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is a step towards improving road connectivity in rural parts of the country. Hence, the reduction of pollution in cities and the development of roads and infrastructure in rural areas will promote balanced development.

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Your Turn…

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  • Renuka panday, Dec 6, 2022 @ 10:02 pm Reply

    Rural areas is the best

  • Suman kumar, Apr 16, 2021 @ 3:12 pm Reply

    According to me city area people get all the civic amenities , electricity , drinking water , transportation system, reputed doctor , good hospital reputed school etc. But village area people they have to suffer a lot because of electricity problem ,road conditions are poor ,may be within 10 km there is hospital , if somebody ill he will not be able to reach hospital his condition detoriat ,no reputed school there, children they have to go far by cycle, transportation system are very poor , Ely station is too far people has to go by cycle or two wheeler , yes bus stand is there but after one hour interval you will get one bus.But village area people gets fresh air there is no pollution and get fresh vegetables. Village area people life style is ordinary but city area people they are life style very modern

  • Ankitabhadani, Apr 14, 2021 @ 10:20 am Reply

    In my point of view….. village life is far better than city life ….let us come to now current tym …the tym is corona tym …in village people is less suffering from this disease… this tym metro cities facing a lot of problems due to increased the population and unpure air…many of people are coming their village to escape from the disease ….in sum up we must developing the village and increasing plantation in urban areas so that balance the nature …. consequently we will be less suffering from situation

  • A.k.patel, Jan 29, 2021 @ 7:57 pm Reply

    I am very glad to listen your opinion.
    Finally l feel like both life is best.

  • Bharat Sharma, Dec 20, 2020 @ 2:45 pm Reply

    in my opinion city life is better than rural life because city life provide advanced and well equipped environment.
    we compare manufacture structure of cities with Mohan jodhar and Haddapa culture .
    In cities have a huge number of government and private schools , colleges, universities, and we all know about performance of private sectors , so they provide us good management , teachers and facilities So in cities we get proper quality education .
    In cities , people also get many platforms to show their talent. For example A person wants to go in sports , he find better Academy in city but not in village.
    City life provides commercialization, banking system and busigness. This attracts more people from township to settle in cities.
    In cities medical help is at fingers when we required. There are a number of doctors and nurses and also many hospital, clinics for people in need but in villages only few hospitals with chief quality doctors.
    In villages no better facility for good education.

    • Snehal, Feb 20, 2021 @ 9:41 am Reply

      Ya but the pollution is increasing day by day and it would be difficult to stay at a point.

  • Pankaj Kumar, Dec 18, 2020 @ 7:13 am Reply

    Hello friends….i am very glad to be the part of this group discussion….
    In my point of view rural life is much better than arban life … because there is more opportunities to live life free from pollution ..which is really necessary to live because we all know well that healthy mind stands in healthy body …so in rural areas we can get that environment which is essential …no doubt there r lack of opportunities in villages to show our talents bt this problem can be uprooted easily if government takes it seriously and now a days our government is taking steps towards improving the condition of schools and colleges in rural areas …and also taking some steps to improve the condition of roads …so finally we can say that rural life will be better if these facilities r provided in these areas

  • Sukla das, Sep 10, 2020 @ 11:56 am Reply

    In the village without pollution, we can take fresh air. but in the village, we don’t get any good school college for higher edition then we have to go to the city. In village there is no sufficient electricity and clean drinking water . When any severe patient or any pregnant women cannot get proper treatment then they have to come to the city .in the city there are many modern hospital and nursing home .city life is faster than village .

  • sampat jangir, Oct 1, 2019 @ 4:57 pm Reply

    ccording to me the lives of rural areas are happier than the lives of cities,because of they have a god gifted pure environment . their daily uses like as vegetables and any other food are also pure because they get it from nuture..
    and there are few cases of dangerous diseases in our rural areas

  • Sonal, Sep 24, 2019 @ 11:26 am Reply

    In my opinion rural life is better because of we can find free air fresh vegetables but who is live there the don’t get much facility .there have school , job, hospital problems . Which is doesn’t have in city. In city we can get good education, better job , nice treatment .rural flock don’t get good treatment tso much people die bcz of bad treatment ya they don’t get treatment on the time.

  • Riyu, Jul 23, 2019 @ 4:57 pm Reply

    Getting many things easily in city, but in village is not getting easily many things…nd in village’children can’t received education ….that’s why city is good … some situations village is too good

  • Love Kush Dhakad, Jul 22, 2019 @ 8:11 am Reply

    In my opinion rural life is better than city life becoz there is no more population and pollution .Everthing you can get fresh like air, edible and potable things. They don’t have to do exercise for physical fitness.
    The real Indian culture you can find only in rural area’s. There is no tax & GST you have to pay in agriculture. That’s why village life is batter than city life.

  • Tinku paul, Sep 11, 2018 @ 7:32 am Reply

    According to me city area people get all the civic amenities , electricity , drinking water , transportation system, reputed doctor , good hospital reputed school etc. But village area people they have to suffer a lot because of electricity problem ,road conditions are poor ,may be within 10 km there is hospital , if somebody ill he will not be able to reach hospital his condition detoriat ,no reputed school there, children they have to go far by cycle, transportation system are very poor , Ely station is too far people has to go by cycle or two wheeler , yes bus stand is there but after one hour interval you will get one bus.But village area people gets fresh air there is no pollution and get fresh vegetables. Village area people life style is ordinary but city area people they are life style very modern.

  • P. Kolandasamy, Puducherry, Jun 8, 2018 @ 7:11 am Reply

    Rural area to be promoted in all respects. Free education, good milk and food, pure water are to be ensured. Govts may impose more tax in cities.

  • Anitha, Jun 6, 2018 @ 9:14 pm Reply

    As we know that India is well known for agriculture&relationship values. But all those are degrading day by day because all our main motto is to develop ourselves.This is what the main problem is. None is recognizing that health is wealth. Money became more prominent around the world. Unfortunately money is the worst thing created by man, but this is the major test to check the humanity of a human being. Anyways,mera Bharat mahan. May be my India definitely look back and recognizes what is happening. jai hind.

  • Archana chaturvedi, Apr 25, 2018 @ 12:43 pm Reply

    I think rural life is better’ than cities life. If telecomunication , good schools, good hospitals etc,. Facilities are provide in rural areas , and mainly education system and roads then village life will be superb and Fantastic. I also support to Sanjay singh’ s statement. “Padhega India tabhi to badhega India”…

    • Team GD Ideas, Apr 26, 2018 @ 8:26 am Reply


  • sanjay singh, Mar 20, 2018 @ 1:46 pm Reply

    As u know our country is second most populus country in the world . And more than half of india’s population live in rura l area and still they don’t have that kind of facilities which urban people have. Migration became the major problem today in india , people left their village and settle in the city for good life . But i think rural area is better than urban because in the city population and polution are increasing day by day . If govt provide good facilities such as good schools, good collages, hospitals , good road connection , internet facilities than nobody migrate toward city

    • Team GD Ideas, Mar 23, 2018 @ 3:14 pm Reply

      True!!! Along with infrastructure, livelihood opportunities should be improved in rural areas.

      • Sukla das, Aug 20, 2020 @ 9:19 am Reply

        According to me city is better then villege.Villege is not bad about the scenery simplicity haonesty but city is more powerful in our modern life. We get from city everything like as electricity water road transport automation in our life these are very essential essencial now a days.When some bodies illness we want good hospital where we get so many instruments there is no villege .For higher education we have to go in city. If you want to get successful life then you have to dispense on city.

  • Prashant Kadam, Jan 2, 2018 @ 5:14 pm Reply

    Our country is country of villages. Our country has more than half million villages and near about 70% population resides over there depending on agriculture and allied businesses.
    Mahatma Gandhi has once said that the progress of our country depends upon progress of villages. Even though we lacked proper concentration on basic infrastructure and other developments in villages since Independence. Which resulted in migrations to the cities and increasing problems over there.

    • Doris, Oct 31, 2019 @ 12:54 am Reply

      I think that living in city is very important Do

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