The evolution of digital payments in India:-

  • India is a massive cash dependent economy with a 13% cash-to-GDP ratio to the global average of 2.5 to 8%. This invites many illegal transactions and black money within the system. The government hence, figured out that going cashless can be a solution to reduce these money laundering transactions, and a fair play in the economy of the country will persist.
  • In 2005, a tax named ‘Banking Cash Transaction Tax’ was one of the steps taken towards the removal of black money by the then finance minister, P.Chidambaram of UPA government, which levied a tax of 0.1% on withdrawals of cash above 10,000 rupees. But this mainly focused on the banks, while blurring the cash users like merchants or businessmen.
  • Demonetization was the next major and effective step taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to evacuate black money and embrace digitization on 8th of November, 2016. Elimination of 500 and 1000 rupee notes shook the entire economy of the country and paved way for digital transactions with open doors.

Present situation :-

  • Since the attack of demonetization by the government has been taken, digital and online transactions have had a steep up-rise in its graph. The rate of digital cash users is increasing exponentially day by day. Mobile transaction applications like PayTM says that there has been a 200% increase in its mobile app downloads in recent times and a 250% increase in their recent transactions. Applications like MobiKwik, Oxigen and UPay also reports the growth of digitization in their statistics after the widespread of demonetization.
  • The plan of using the Aadhar card details as a key or the pincode for monetary transactions has been going on. The Aadhaar enabled payment system (AEPS)  uses the biometrics of an individual, like the fingerprints, as a personal identification number instead of passwords and pincodes for transactions. This system will also serve the security purposes as the biometric of an individual is unique.
  • India has showcased a massive progress on going cashless in a very small amount of time. The Digital Evolution Index 2017, which is a joint study conducted by the Fletcher School at Tufts University with Mastercard has categorized India under the “break out” segment among the top 60 countries worldwide for going cashless.
  • In spite of all these achievements, a security threat remains all over the system. Cyber bullies and hackers have not left behind a single scope to invade databases of banks or companies or personal accounts and emails of politicians, businessmen, journalists and other prominent people for personal fetishes. According to the 2015 data breaches study by IBM and the Ponemon Institute, India is the most targeted country for data breaches. Be it the big, famous brands like IBM, Hitachi or renowned banks like ICICI and HDFC, they all faced cyber attacks.
  • With the abundant availability of higher denomination notes, cash transactions are increasing again.
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Steps taken by Indian Government :- 

  • Demonetization is the biggest and the most effective step taken so far by the Indian government towards digitization. The dumping of 500 and 1000 notes has triggered the wealth of black money holders massively. Though the economy country-wide has dropped, the black money and big-fat illegal cash transactions have also been minimized greatly.
  • New portals for online digital transactions have been opened on a wide-scale, encouraging more customers or users of cash to dump the old techniques and go cashless.
  • For better security reasons and backing up the after-effects of demonetization, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology will be issuing a Request For Proposal (RFP) to set up a common e-governance platform for end-to-end transactional experience for a citizen, businesses as well as internal government functions.

What still needs to be done:- 

  •  The government must propose more secure and tight algorithms to stop the intervention of cyber attacks on top security databases for big companies, governments and systems, as well as on personal accounts for the public.
  • Apart from the digital security, the public also needs to be aware of cyber threats and phishing that take place on a daily basis. Falling as a prey for cyber attacks can be a nightmare for the common people, as well as the big industries and governments. People who do not know much about handling money in a digital way can be fooled easily by asking for their account details or lending information over fake calls, all in the name of digitization. Thus, it is of primary importance that the public is aware of such misleading.
  • The security departments of every system must be well equipped with behavior analytics and pattern analysis to identify suspicious activities and prevent them then and there. Identification of frauds and fake apps which serve monetary transactions has to be the main motive of the security departments. 
Also Read :  India's fight against 'Black Money'

Best practices worldwide :-  

  • A worldwide digital payment system and a cryptocurrency, which is the first decentralized digital currency is the Bitcoin. This system works without a central repository or a single administrator. The transactions here, are verified by network nodes, and takes place between users directly and the record is kept in a public distributed ledger.
  • Mobile applications like PayTM, for instance, is certified under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 2.0 certification, which is the current industry security standard set by American Express, Visa International, MasterCard Worldwide and a few other international dealers. This is an essential certification for companies that store credit card information. PayTM and other such companies also use 128-bit encryption technology to crypt any information transfer between two systems. 

 Conclusion :-

Going digital will help in keeping track of the monetary transactions taking place and will pose more security on individual’s wealth. Digital payments will also be a step for an eco friendly environment as the usage of paper reduces. A drawback factor to the making of a digital India will be the high rates of illiteracy and poverty.

Afterwords :- Let us know your thoughts and opinions on the digital payments in the comment section below. Subscribe to our blog to get new topics delivered to your mail.

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  • Manisha S, Nov 29, 2018 @ 8:31 pm Reply

    Going digital is easy for every humans but securing mode only relies on the government or the idea makers every idea will have some flaws but overcoming those flaws is the good way every traditional business is turning up to digital payments only to make changes accepting changes is there but making good and secure system is only in the hands of those innovative people.

    • Team GD Ideas, Dec 3, 2018 @ 8:00 pm Reply

      True that!

  • amratlal, Nov 19, 2018 @ 3:13 pm Reply

    Is it not time to look into rental law where many tenents protected by very old acts geting richer with own property and land lords are lodaded with restricions and can not sell the property without givind a hefty cut to decades tenents who have passed the rented property to their heirs.
    Many may have moved out of country leaving the property on ugly state as the rental income would not pay for any maintenance.

  • Aditya, Aug 31, 2018 @ 8:33 pm Reply

    One of the major reason that we are still developing country with 125 crore people is we don’t accept changes , we don’t accept technology we just want let the things go as they are going… but now the government has taken a revolutionary step to be cashless. instead of getting worried about illiteracy in remote areas we should create a team & make them literate about the things going on by teaching them… then only we would be able compete with other countries & will become a developed country!

    • Blake Jason, Mar 7, 2021 @ 2:41 pm Reply

      *135 CRORE. In 2020, the new estimation is 138 crore.

  • Vikas, Apr 25, 2018 @ 6:31 pm Reply

    When every Industry will go for use of digitization in their area of work then what will humans do, who will earn only Big Industries owners, Poverty will increase, inflation will be high always, lower & middle class people will not be able to survive. Its end of everything, robotics…

    • Team GD Ideas, Apr 26, 2018 @ 11:59 am Reply

      That’s a very real concern.

  • Zehra, Apr 2, 2018 @ 11:37 pm Reply

    What else done by e-commerce to create a “Paperless society” other den kindle stores,bills payment,booking of bus/car/train/hotel,online signature??

  • sandip sinha, Mar 29, 2018 @ 11:47 am Reply

    Going through a digital transaction not only the best option to regulate
    malpractices but also step the nation to digitally branded society.

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