
doomscrolling gd topic

What is doomscrolling?

  • Doomscrolling means spending too much time scrolling through negative news or upsetting content online.

Reasons for doomscrolling:

  • Many people want to stay updated on the latest news, especially during crises or major events.
  • Some people worry that they might miss important information. So, it leads to constant checking of news or social media.
  • Some people turn to news or social media as a way to cope with stress and to divert mind from the struggles of daily life.
  • Social media platforms often show dramatic or negative content because it grabs attention and increase the time spent by consumers on their platforms.
  • Scrolling can become a habit, especially when someone is bored or has enough free time.
  • Strong emotions like anger, sadness, or outrage make it hard to stop reading upsetting content.

Impact of doomscrolling:

  • Doomscrolling increases feelings of anxiety, stress, and sadness over time.
  • It can lead to depression if the habit continues unchecked.
  • Constant exposure to bad news can create a sense of hopelessness or fear about the future.
  • Spending long hours scrolling often disrupts sleep, especially if it happens late at night.
  • Staring at screens for too long can cause eye strain, headaches, and fatigue.
  • It reduces physical activity, which is essential for maintaining good overall health.
  • Doomscrolling takes up time that could be used for work, hobbies, or relaxation.
  • It can make it harder to focus or stay motivated because negative emotions drain our energy.
  • Focusing too much on bad news can make the world seem worse than it actually is.
  • Overexposure to negativity can reduce optimism and hope, making it harder to see the good around us.
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What can we do:

  • Turning off notifications for news apps or social media can help us reduce the constant urge to check our devices.
  • Taking regular breaks from our phones or computers allows us to rest our eyes and minds. Engaging in offline activities like reading, walking, or hobbies can help us recharge.
  • We can follow accounts or websites that share positive and uplifting content while avoiding sources that frequently post alarming or exaggerated news.
  • Reflecting on the positive aspects of our day can help us balance out the negativity we might encounter online.
  • Instead of worrying about negative news, we can use our time and energy for meaningful activities like volunteering, learning new skills, or spending time with loved ones.
  • We can create boundaries by avoiding scrolling first thing in the morning or right before bed to protect our mental peace and sleep quality.
  • If doomscrolling starts to affect our mental health significantly, seeking support from a therapist or counselor can make a big difference.


Doomscrolling is a habit that can harm our mental and physical health, drain our energy, and make us feel stuck in negativity. While staying informed is important, it’s just as important to take care of ourselves by setting boundaries and focusing on positive actions. If we make small changes, like limiting our time online and seeking balance in our lives, we can break free from this cycle. Let’s remind ourselves to focus on the good around us and spend our time in ways that bring us peace and happiness.

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Photo by Mikhail Nilov

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