E-Learning: A substitute for classroom learning?

e-learning good or bad


  • E-learning is essentially the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge.
  • E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classroom opportunities and digital collaboration.

In Favor:-

  • Through E-learning we can study from anywhere at anytime. All we need is just a computer and internet connection.
  • E-learning costs less than classroom learning.
  • Through E-learning we can continue studies while doing full – time job.
  • We can repeat the lesson for many times if we didn’t understand the concepts.
  • We can easily update new information / inventions.
  • We can e-mail the doubts, and can be clarified.
  • Student takes whole responsibility of himself in learning process. So that he becomes more confident.
  • Students will become more flexible with computer, which is much essential in present generation.
  • We can do the course in the university of foreign countries without going to there.
  • Students can become comfortable in face-face to conversations which is very important in career.

In Against:-

  • Through classroom learning, we can clarify our doubts immediately.
  • Through classroom learning, we can increase our presentation skills.
  • Through classroom learning, we can know how to behave with colleagues and superiors.
  • Teachers in classroom can know whether students understand the topic or not, and explains the topic clearly using general examples.
  • Unemployment increases, in result our nation’s GDP decreases.


             E-learning has its own advantages and disadvantages. It can’t be a substitute for classroom learning up to graduation level. But after graduation level E-learning can be a substitute for classroom learning. If the student have more interest in studies, he can go for E-learning. If he has no interest, a person must be there to create interest in him by general examples and to make him study, that’s only possible with class room learning.

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Photo by Eduardo Dutra from Pexels

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