134+ Easy topics for Group Discussion – 2025 (with Answers)

easy gd topics

Don’t forget to check the Top 30 GD topics of 2024.

  1. Doomscrolling
  2. Digital divide
  3. Are drones a positive or negative influence on society?
  4. Plastic Free July
  5. Sports Tourism
  6. Rainwater Harvesting
  7. Attention Economy
  8. Importance of Sports
  9. Books vs screens
  10. Ban on Smartphones in Schools
  11. The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining
  12. Contribution of the Aviation industry to our lives
  13. Digital Health
  14. Food wastage
  15. IMF World Economic Outlook 2023
  16. Celebrity Endorsement of Products
  17. Buy Now Pay Later
  18. Use of AR/VR in defence sector
  19. Poverty in India
  20. Sustainable Fashion
  21. Lifestyle for Environment – LiFE
  22. Binge-watching
  23. Gender gap
  24. Technology addiction
  25. Consistency is the key
  26. Digital Footprint
  27. Technology – The death of Libraries
  28. Fast food culture
  29. Is social media making us less social?
  30. Global warming – Causes, Effects & Solutions
  31. Importance of recycling
  32. Noise pollution
  33. How can we make the internet a safer place?
  34. Night owls vs Early birds
  35. Cashless society
  36. Android vs iOS – which is better?
  37. Urbanization: challenges and remedies
  38. Community kitchens – Pros & Challenges
  39. Solar energy – pros & challenges
  40. Expectation kills happiness
  41. E-voting: Pros & challenges
  42. Life without phone
  43. College should be free for everyone
  44. COVID-19
  45. Why is earth losing its greenery?
  46. Happy employees do a better job
  47. Teamwork vs Individual work
  48. Food or Ethics?
  49. Private job vs Government job
  50. How to prevent floods
  51. Books vs Movies
  52. Movies breed crime
  53. Digital detox
  54. Peer pressure
  55. OTT vs Theatre
  56. Confidence vs Knowledge
  57. Social media influencers – Impact on youth
  58. Formal degrees are things of the past
  59. Should junk food be banned?
  60. Blended learning – The new normal
  61. Fame is a double-edged sword
  62. Money or Happiness – Can money make us happy?
  63. Censorship of OTT platforms – Right or Wrong?
  64. Should anonymity be allowed on the internet?
  65. National Recruitment Agency – Pros & Challenges
  66. Open book exams – Pros, Cons & Challenges
  67. The pen is mightier than the sword
  68. E-learning – Pros & Challenges
  69. Do deadlines destroy creativity?
  70. Work from home – Pros & Cons
  71. Print Media vs Digital Media
  72. Fit India Movement
  73. Is Technology making us less human?
  74. Can illiterates be given driving licenses?
  75. Should Cricket be the National game of India?
  76. 75% attendance is too much for engineering students
  77. Is cricket an overrated sport in India?
  78. Plastic ban: Economy vs Environment
  79. Retirement Homes – Pros & Cons
  80. Democracy vs Monarchy
  81. Money is honey
  82. Which one is more important – Creativity or Knowledge?
  83. Who serves the country most – Teacher or Solider?
  84. Should Physical Education be made compulsory in schools?
  85. The menace of Eve-teasing
  86. Effects of video games on well-being
  87. Are celebrities treated unfairly by media?
  88. Coaching centers are destroying education
  89. Impact of News channels on society
  90. EVMs vs Paper Ballots
  91. The menace of Trolling
  92. Movies encourage social evils
  93. Joint family vs Nuclear family
  94. Social Media – Impact on human behavior and society
  95. Co-education (Mixed gender education) – Pros & Cons
  96. Should street food be banned?
  97. Compulsory Yoga in schools – Pros and Cons
  98. Is there a need to curb the mushrooming of private coaching institutes?
  99. Is Indian culture decaying?
  100. City vs Village
  101. Should mobile phones be allowed in schools & colleges?
  102. Are women better managers than men?
  103. Should Beauty pageants be banned?
  104. Should Driverless cars be allowed in India?
  105. Is Globalization a threat to Indian Culture?
  106. Should ‘Group Discussion’ be compulsory in the hiring process?
  107. Impact of Video games on youth
  108. Hard Work vs Smart Work
  109. Impact of movies on youth
  110. India’s population growth
  111. Should Hindi be the National language of India?
  112. Should Paper ballot system be restored?
  113. Should the Internet be censored?
  114. Cap on wedding expenditure – Is it fair?
  115. Ever growing air pollution levels – Where does the problem lie?
  116. Should stray animals be killed?
  117. Is it time to replace Mahatma Gandhi’s picture on Indian currency notes?
  118. Should Uniforms be mandatory in schools?
  119. Free WiFi Spots – Beneficial or not?
  120. Population explosion – boon or bane?
  121. Should mother tongue be the medium of instruction in schools?
  122. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage
  123. Alcohol Ban – Pros and Cons
  124. Youth in Politics
  125. Should zoos be abolished?
  126. Generation Gap
  127. E-waste management
  128. Social networking sites – Boon or Bane?
  129. Is dependence on computers a good thing?
  130. Internet – boon or bane?
  131. Brain drain has to be stopped
  132. Age and Youth: Experience And Young Talent
  133. E-Learning: A substitute for classroom learning?
  134. Media is a mixed blessing
  135. Examination – Has it killed Education?
  136. How is global media influencing our culture?
  137. Are Advertisements beneficial or not?
Also Read :  34+ Education GD Topics 2025 (with Answers)

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Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

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