Freedom is a myth

freedom is a myth

Here are some ideas to speak on abstract GD topic – “Freedom is a myth”.

  • Everyone living in democratic countries has political rights such as freedom of speech, freedom to choose their leaders and freedom in many other aspects of life. But still, this freedom has limitations. Freedom of speech and expression is always a threat. People who have power decides whether a particular speech is ethical or not. If they think it is anti-government, they may term it as a cause of violence. We often see that many journalists are silenced and some of them are even killed. The fact that those who raise their voice against government or rulers are vulnerable makes us doubt the freedom we have in expressing our thoughts. Hence freedom seems to be a myth.
  • Even in this 21st century in many societies, minorities and socially disadvantaged groups are vulnerable and are not in a situation to use their freedom in many aspects though legally they have political rights.
  • We think that we have the freedom to travel to any place and to live in the place of our choice. But in reality, there are boundaries among countries and several restrictions to settle in another place.
  • Though practically we have the freedom to roam at any time, there are criminals in every society curtailing our freedom.
  • Even if you became an entrepreneur believing that it will give you more freedom and you will have no boss, you will be disappointed because you will have more bosses such as customers, investors etc.
  • Though we have a right to vote and thereby freedom to choose our leaders, in reality, it is majoritarian decisions that prevail.
  • Most of the time, the freedom we have depends on the place where we were born and brought up. And of course, we do not have the freedom to choose where we are born.
  • Artistic freedom also has limitations even in this modern era. We have censorship on movies, books and on many other arts making us think that freedom is a myth.
  • The media and press do not have full freedom in general. Very often, their articles get influenced by their investors or the government or both.
  • We do not have the freedom to end our own life. Though there is an option of euthanasia for those who are either terminally ill or in a vegetative state, people who have intense emotional pain and suffering and are unable to cope up with life are not allowed to die and are forced to live.
  • We have more freedom now than our ancestors. Recognizing freedom as a fundamental right was the first and most important step in any society. We do have the freedom to choose our lifestyle, to follow a religion of our choice, to improve our social status, to choose our leaders and to become a leader etc. With time, we are exploring the idea of freedom. Hence freedom is not a myth. It is a reality. Freedom in any aspect should have limitations to prevent causing inconvenience to others.
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