How can we prevent the next pandemic?

how can we prevent the next pandemic


  • COVID-19 pandemic came when the world least expected it. And it taught us many lessons, especially about preparedness for the next pandemic. Now, all the countries have realized the importance of taking steps to prevent pandemics in future.

How can we prevent the next pandemic:

  • Transparency and better information sharing among countries are needed. When each and every country shares the information about the new virus cases or the possibility of the virus with the other countries, the world together can work on containing it and solving the issue immediately.
  • A dedicated team in the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent the possibility of a pandemic will be very helpful to take quick action and to alert all the countries.
  • COVID-19 pandemic made the world realize the necessity of strong healthcare systems. More investments are needed to strengthen healthcare infrastructure. In case of emergencies, it should be able to treat all the people affected immediately at the origin itself to prevent further spread of disease.
  • More investments are needed for research and development in healthcare.
  • Malnourished people are the most vulnerable people in case of epidemics (affects within an area or a country) and pandemics (affects globally). So, tackling the issue of malnutrition and improving the nutritional status of everyone is necessary. With a good nutritional status, people can fight the virus effectively. And thereby we can stop the epidemics from becoming pandemics.
  • Most of the infectious diseases are zoonotic diseases, which means the virus is passed from animal to human. Taking wild animals for food is the main reason for the origin of zoonotic diseases. So, it is a must to stop or regulate wildlife markets. The total ban may result in the rise of illegal markets. So, if we cannot stop such markets, at least the animals there should be tested for pathogens.
  • Identifying pathogens of wild animals can help scientists in studying and researching them. This will be helpful to tackle the situation if we failed to prevent the transmission of the pathogen from animal to human.
  • Rigorous testings at airports and other points of entries to countries can trace any new virus cases and hence we can take immediate steps to prevent the spread.
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As globalization is on the rise, it’s very easy for epidemics (affects within an area or a country) to become pandemics (affects globally). So, there is a need to strengthen our healthcare systems and to take effective steps to prevent the next pandemic.

Your Turn…

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Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.


  1. ajayraj chauhan

    as we all show this disasterous pendemic in our life , really this is not a good thing but somewhere it taugh us many important lessions . so if we dont want to see this again we all have to make some p[rudent efforts .we shouid ipowerised our rural urvan , countryside health care centers and to be prepared for the next pendemic .in my opinion we need to increased the number of our medical staff .we shouid prepare on worid level health facilities.

  2. P. Kolandasamy, KMGIPSR, Puducherry

    Yes, we need to strengthen our healthcare systems and take effective steps to prevent the next pandemic. Alternative medicine, indigenous medical practices to be strengthened . Awareness also may play a role. Appropriate behavior is to be followed.

  3. shubham AJ

    yes we have to be prepaerd for the next pandemic as the world data shows us thats after every decade there is a possibility of pandemic.
    so it is important to start the prepartion as early as possible to counter such an catastropic event on beautiful planet earth.
    For being ready we should focus on following points:
    1.Health sector growth is very crucial aspect as pandemic looming around the world the better your health infrastructure more chances for such country to cope up with such situation.
    2.The next thing we can do is in the field of reserch and development specially study if virus identifying their genome for this more spending shoould be done in sucg areas of R&D.
    3.The transfer and sharing of information data related to such diseases much be shared in a collaborative manner.
    4.there should always a need to make more institution at global level
    this are somme ways by which we can prevent the next pandemic.

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