Inclusive workplace

inclusive workplace

What is an inclusive workplace:

  • An inclusive workplace is where everyone irrespective of gender, race, religion, or position in the company, feels valued and respected. No discrimination exists in an inclusive workplace.

Points to speak on ‘Inclusive workplace’:

  • When employees feel valued in the workplace, they feel safe and comfortable, which results in more commitment to work.
  • In an inclusive workplace, employees too can take part in decision-making. Employers in such workspace promote a collaborative environment by encouraging diverse ideas and taking feedback from employees.
  • Companies that promote inclusion in workplaces not just think about their profits but also provide opportunities and support to employees to help them in their career growth. Some companies are even providing funds to employees to learn new skills.
  • An inclusive workplace makes employees feel comfortable following their traditions and culture without the fear of being judged.
  • Sometimes, leaders tend to favour employees who are similar to them. So companies that promote inclusive workplaces often conduct training for leaders to avoid biases.
  • Not just educating leaders but promoting diversity at top positions will lead to better inclusion at workplaces.
  • A report by ‘International Labour Organization’ (ILO) in 2022 mentioned that one in four does not feel valued at work. And most of the people who feel valued are working in senior positions. Inclusive workplaces give credit for their work to employees at all levels.
  • More and more people are looking for respect and a collaborative environment at work. If they do not find that, they will more likely leave the company in a short time. So, companies which promote inclusion in the workplace will have better employee retention.


An inclusive workplace is where everyone irrespective of gender, race, religion, or position in the company, feels valued and respected. No discrimination exists in an inclusive workplace. More and more people are looking for respect and a collaborative environment at work. If they do not find that, they will more likely switch the company.

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Photo by fauxels


Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas. Topic suggested by Kavita.


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