
  • According to the Climate Prediction Center, there is a 60% chance that La Nina will occur in November 2024.

What is La Nina:

  • La Nina is a natural climate event that affects weather patterns worldwide. It is part of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) system, which includes both La Niña and its counterpart, El Niño. El Nino happens when the Pacific Ocean becomes warmer than usual and La Nina happens when the Pacific Ocean becomes cooler than usual.

How La Nina occurs:

  • La Nina occurs when strong winds push warm surface water away from the coast of South America, allowing cooler water to rise from the depths of the Pacific Ocean. This cooling effect spreads across the Pacific and influences weather patterns around the world.

Impact of La Nina:

  • La Nina can bring too much rain in some parts of the world and not enough in others, leading to floods, droughts, and other weather changes across the planet.
  • It typically brings heavier and more intense rainfall during the monsoon season in India. This can lead to floods in many parts of the country, particularly in states like Assam, Bihar, and West Bengal.
  • It is also associated with colder winters in northern India, especially in states like Punjab, Haryana, and Delhi.
  • It can increase the frequency of cyclones in the Bay of Bengal, affecting eastern states like Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, and West Bengal.
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What can we do:

  • Farmers can adjust their crop schedules to handle the heavy rains or cooler temperatures that come with La Nina. For example, planting flood-resistant crops in regions prone to heavy rains could help reduce crop loss.
  • States can improve flood preparedness, especially in areas that are frequently affected by excessive rainfall during La Nina years. Efficient water management and disaster preparedness plans can help prevent damage from both floods and droughts.
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La Nina is a weather pattern that can affect many places on Earth, including India. It often brings heavy rain and cooler temperatures to some areas while causing droughts in others. For countries like India, the monsoon is very important for farming, and La Nina can change how much rain falls. Understanding La Nina helps people prepare for different weather conditions, which is important for food production and managing water resources around the world.

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