NEET – Pros & Cons

neet good or bad

Pros :-

  • NEET replaces all the entrance exams that are conducted separately by Medical colleges. Hence, it will reduce burden on students.
  • It will eliminate malpractices in separate entrance tests by medical colleges.
  • With NEET, India now has a standard test for medical seats just like US and other developed countries.

Cons :-

  • NEET exam is based on CBSE syllabus. This is an unfair disadvantage to students of state syllabus.
  • Earlier, students could able to write multiple entrance exams. So, even if they couldn’t perform well in one exam, they had choice. But now, one exam will decide their future, which is risky.
  • NEET 2017 conducted in multiple languages provided different questions for different language students. This is very unfair and involves favoritism.

Background :-

  • NEET was conducted in 2013 for the first time, but was cancelled after the verdict of Supreme Court. Again it is being conducted from 2016 onwards, after the fresh judgement of Supreme Court.

Conclusion :-

The concept of one standard test is good, but making the exam favorable to certain section of India is completely undemocratic. NEET will be good, if it gives equal opportunity to all states of India.

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