Political GD Topics

Should there be a retirement age for politicians in India?

In Favor :-
  • People’s representatives should be fit physically as well as psychologically.
  • Senior politicians should give chance to young politicians. So that fresh ideas and plans can be implemented.
  • Politics involve a lot of travelling. One cannot rule the
General GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Free WiFi Spots – Beneficial or not?

In Favor :-
  • Free WiFi spots help ‘Digital India‘ Scheme. These spots can encourage the usage of internet.
  • This will help students and unemployed, who is in need of internet access but cannot afford it.
  • Free WiFi at railway stations
Student suicides
Education GD Topics Social GD Topics

Student Suicides – What are the deep rooted problems?

Causes of student suicides :-
  • What is causing them to suicide –
    • Pressure in studies.
    • Family problems
    • Physical & mental Illnesses.
    • Drug addiction.
    • Love failures.
    • Financial problems.
    • Failure in exams.
    • Unemployment.
    • Unable to adjust to the college’s culture.
    • Self-deprecating.
    • Depression.
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

How can we stop ‘Honor Killings’?

What is a Honor Killing :-
  • ‘Honor killing’ is the murder of a family member by other family members in the name of protecting ‘honor’. Generally, young women are the victims. In most of the cases, the reasons are refusal
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Will E-commerce dominate physical stores?

In Favor :-
  • Growth of E-commerce is much faster than growth of sales in physical stores in retail sector.
  • Online shopping is very convenient and time saving for consumers, because products will be delivered at our homes.
  • E-commerce platforms are