depreciation of Indian Rupee
Economic GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics

Depreciation of Indian Rupee

  • Depreciation of the currency means a decrease in the value of the currency when compared to the Dollar.
  • As of 10th April 2021, 1 US dollar is worth Rs. 74.73.
Factors affecting the value of the Rupee:
  • When there
Ethical GD Topics Environment GD Topics General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Should zoos be abolished?

Yes – Zoos should be abolished:
  • Confining animals in enclosures is morally wrong. They belong to forests. Forcing space imitations can make them suffer psychologically.
  • Bringing wild animals from forests and keeping them in the middle of cities is potentially
present education system
Education GD Topics General GD Topics

Present Education System in India

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats Positive side of Indian Education system:-
  • Students go through many exams in their learning years. It teaches to analyse our strengths and
Social GD Topics

Role of NGOs in India

What is an NGO :-
  • A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is a legally established organization, which works independently from any government.
  • NGOs work for the good causes like eradicating poverty, providing education etc. They are Non Profit Organizations, that means they
Economic GD Topics

Is FDI good for India?

What is FDI :- 
  • FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment ) is the investment by a foreign companies in domestic companies.
  • The host company and the company that is investing together form a ‘multinational corporation’ (MNC).
  • Through FDI the investing company