generation gap
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Generation Gap

What is generation gap :-
  • Generation gap is a term referring to differences between younger generation and their elders. Especially it is the difference between parents and children regarding culture, fashion and dressing etc.
Reasons :-
  • The main reason is
e-waste gd topic
Environment GD Topics General GD Topics

E-waste management

Background :-
  • Discarded electrical or electronic devices are called as ‘e-waste (Electronic waste)’.
  • E-waste is also called as e-scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
  • The electronic industry is the world’s largest and fastest growing manufacturing industry and so
social networking sites - boon or bane
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Social networking sites – Boon or Bane?

What is a Social networking site:
  • Social networking sites (SNS) are online platforms where people can meet other people and can make friendships. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are a few examples of SNS.
  • Social networking was started on the internet in
genetically modified food
Environment GD Topics Ethical GD Topics General GD Topics

Genetically modified products – Boon or bane?

Background :-
  • Agricultural Biotechnology is the area of bio-technology involving applications to agriculture.
  • In Agricultural biotechnology, cross-breeding of plants used to be done to get desired results such as disease resistant plants and to increase crop productivity etc.
  • In the
how to deal with international terrorism
International GD Topics Political GD Topics Social GD Topics

How to deal with international terrorism?

  • Terrorism refers to the violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror).
  • Lakhs of innocent people have died because of terrorism. And so many people were badly affected. In the modern world, terrorism is one of the biggest