Night owls vs Early birds

Night owls vs Early birds

Morning persons are called early birds and late-night sleepers are called night owls. Our sleep patterns mostly depend on our circadian rhythms, which are part of the body’s internal clock. It is important to understand our circadian rhythm so that we can utilize the best hours of our day to improve productivity.
Raising the age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years

Raising the age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years – Pros & Cons

Several girls are being forced into marriages due to the patriarchal mindset of their families. Until now, many girls of such families rebelled against such forced marriages and married the person of their choice after attaining 18 years with the help of legal support. But now, they have to wait till attaining 21 years. This will be misused by patriarchal families to threaten and control them.