Use of technology in social movements
General GD Topics Social GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Use of technology in social movements

Points to speak:
  • Social media is helping in gathering the support of a large number of people for many social movements. For example, in the early 2010s, many activists in the middle east used Twitter and Facebook to organise protests
food or ethics
Abstract GD Topics

Food or Ethics?

Points to speak:
  • Following ethics results in having peace of mind and true happiness. We can sleep happily when we are sure that we didn’t commit a mistake.
  • But sometimes, following ethics is expensive because not everyone can afford it.
private job vs government job
General GD Topics

Private job vs Government job

Private job: Pros of Private job:
  • Private employees will be recognized for their hard work. Companies like to have employees who put effort and work hard. So, there will be incentives and promotions in return for hard work.
  • If we
Impact of globalization on education
Education GD Topics General GD Topics

Impact of globalization on education

Impact of globalization on education:
  • Globalization has improved the quality of education. Due to globalization, countries got the opportunity to witness the best education systems worldwide and thus could replicate them.
  • New methods of learning such as e-learning, blended learning
National Monetization Pipeline
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics

National Monetization Pipeline

  • In August 2021, the ‘National Monetization Pipeline‘ (NMP) was launched.
What is National Monetization Pipeline:
  • Under NMP, some of the government’s infrastructure assets including airports, highways, coalmines will be leased to private players over the next four years between