political parties - RTI
General GD Topics

Should political parties be brought under RTI Act?

Introduction: This debate has existed for years now. Most of the political parties(except Aam Aadmi Party) have expressed their opposition to any such move. On the other hand, RTI activists have been voicing their demands of greater transparency in the…
MNCs GD Topic
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Factors that contributed to the growth of MNCs

India, when it got independence, was in economic turmoil. Britishers had destructed our manufacturing sector and flooded the markets with England mass-produced goods. In order to protect and develop our indigenous industries, Government of India decided to follow close-market economic…
‘Neighbourhood First’ policy
Current Affairs GD Topics Political GD Topics

‘Neighbourhood First’ policy

Introduction: “Neighbourhood First” is a foreign policy that India has been following ever since 2014. It means that the Indian government will focus more on its ties with its immediate neighbours as compared to its other strategic partners. Modi Government…
BIMSTEC gd topic
Current Affairs GD Topics International GD Topics


Introduction: BIMSTEC stands for Bay Of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Co-operation. It consists of 7 countries: India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan. All these countries are dependent on the Bay of Bengal in some…
NOTA gd topic
Political GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics General GD Topics

Does “NOTA” option in elections really make sense?

What is NOTA? NOTA stands for “None Of The Above“. It is one of the options provided in EVMs in Assembly and Lok Sabha elections. When a voter chooses NOTA, he/she basically expresses his/her discontent and disapproval with all the…