is india ready for 5g
Technology GD Topics General GD Topics

Is India ready for 5G?

Theme :-
  • At present the whole world is using 4G cellular communication technology, and a good number of users are still using 2G & 3G services.
  • Now, the world is looking towards implementing 5th generation cellular communication technology, which will
role of MNCs in India
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Open economy – Role of MNCs in India

  • Multinational Corporations (MNC) operate in more than one country.
  • In 1991, India faced an economic crisis and to lift the country out of the crisis, the Indian government rolled out economic reforms, and hence openly opted for economic liberalisation.
traffic issues in india
General GD Topics

Traffic problems in India

Theme :– 
  • Traffic congestion costs 1.47 lakh crore per annum for India according a study in 2018 by Boston Consulting Group (BCG). 
  • Traffic issues cause so much inconvenience and frustration and hence need to be addressed. 
Causes :– 
  • India is
war & international disputes
Ethical GD Topics General GD Topics International GD Topics

Is war the best way to solve international disputes?

Background: Wars are fought by a country or a group of countries to establish power over opposing country by using armed forces, with the objective of ending a conflict. War could be civil or revolutionary. Several wars have occurred between…
roots & wings - gd topic
Abstract GD Topics

Roots & wings – Abstract GD topic

Points to speak on this topic:
  • We can discuss how parents should raise their children.
    • Parents should explain boundaries but should allow children to be independent and to explore the world in their own way. You can add this quotation