affordable healthcare India
General GD Topics

Affordable Healthcare in India

India is considered an attractive option by medical tourists due to the low costs and relatively high quality private sector hospitals. The government always regards healthcare as a primary objective in the five year plans and promotes awareness and the…
Economic GD Topics

Insolvency and bankruptcy code

Developed to find a solution to the proliferating stressed assets of banks, The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code has been evolving since 2016. Although the code has been able to do only a little good to the banks uptil now, it…
General GD Topics International GD Topics

If Third World War happens, what will be the possible reason behind it?

Theme :-
  • In January 2019, China ordered it’s army to prepare for war amid clashes between China & USA at South China sea. This intensified the debates about whether World war 3 is going to happen or not.
Let’s analyse…
Political GD Topics Social GD Topics

Freebie politics in India

Theme :- It’s elections time, and hence every party is trying to offer freebies to attract voters. There is so much criticism on freebie politics. Background :- The term Freebies is not new; rather it is a prevalent culture in…
General GD Topics Political GD Topics

Role of India in United Nations

Background :- With the motive to maintain international peace and security and to promote cooperation in economic, social and cultural fields, the United Nation Organisation was established on 24th October, 1945 in San Francisco, California. It was formed soon after…