Abstract GD Topics

Pink – Abstract GD Topic

Here are some ideas to speak on the ‘Pink’ GD Topic.
  • When we think of Pink, the first thing that comes to our mind is that this colour is associated with girls. Pink is associated with femininity and beauty since
Abstract GD Topics

Success – GD Topic

If this topic is given to you in Group Discussion, here are some ideas to speak on this topic.
  • There is no unique definition for success. It varies from person to person. Our own definition of success depends on what
joint family vs nuclear family
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Joint family vs Nuclear family

Joint Family vs Nuclear Family:
  • In general, villages have more joint families than cities. Nuclear families are a common phenomenon in towns and cities due to the rising migration for employment opportunities. Both types of families have their own advantages
falling rupee (2)
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Impact of falling rupee on Indian economy

  • As of 10th April 2021, 1 US dollar is worth Rs. 74.73.
What does it mean by ‘falling rupee’?
  • The value of any currency decreases when its demand decreases. And also if the demand for the US dollar increases,
social media – impact on human behaviour and society
Social GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics Ethical GD Topics General GD Topics

Social Media – Impact on human behavior and society

Difference between Social media & Social networks: Many students are confusing Social media with Social networks because these terms are used interchangeably. And hence a few students are talking about social networks when the GD topic is about social media.…