Knowledge power
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Despite a large population, India lacks knowledge power

  • The present education system of India is exam oriented. It emphasizes continuous evaluation forcing students to mug up the chapters without focusing on the learning part. And there is not enough practical knowledge.
  • Though diverse courses are coming these
dot gd topic
Abstract GD Topics

Dot – Abstract GD Topic

A dot, as simple as it sounds, can be interpreted in many different ways. Hence, it may be used as an abstract topic in group discussions. Here are some of the interpretations of a dot listed below. Dot as a…
Indian culture
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Is Indian culture decaying?

  • Music: The present youth in India is addicted to English songs following legends like Linkin Park band, Eminem, Taylor Swift etc. Old Hindi songs are now considered unpopular and boring. People readily give a huge amount of money in
Renewable energy in india
Environment GD Topics General GD Topics

Use of Renewable energy in India

Background :-
  • The ‘Ministry of New and Renewable Energy’ (MNRE) deals with the renewable energy in India. In the early 1980s, India was the first country to setup a ministry of non conventional energy resources.
Why renewable energy :-
  • By
Climate change
Environment GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics

Should both developed and underdeveloped countries have equal binding in combating climate change?

  • Global Warming is termed as a global problem which emphasises that each and every nation on this planet is equally responsible for resolving the deteriorating condition of the earth. This means that the developing countries must hold uniform equity