One rank one pension
Political GD Topics Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

One Rank One Pension – Advantages and Disadvantages

What is One Rank One Pension :-
  • One Rank One Pension means ‘Retired soldier of the same rank and have same length of service will receive same pension irrespective of their date of retirement’.
  • Indra Gandhi led congress government in
Politics and business
Political GD Topics Economic GD Topics

Should Politics and Business be mixed?

Politics and business should be mixed :-
  • In an open market, a business entity will always back a political group that is more capitalistic. This backing is often in the form of donations. Thus, both the legal and political entities
Economic GD Topics

In what way Payment Banks are useful?

What is a Payment bank :-
  • A bank licensed as a payment bank can receive deposits and offer remittances only. It cannot issue loans and credit cards.
  • Nachiket mor committee in 2014 in its report recommended for a new type
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Does corporate world promote entrepreneurship?

Background :-
  • Entrepreneurship is the process of launching and running a new business. It also defines the willingness and capacity to run a new business with the risk of making profits and continuing and expanding the business ventures for longer
fdi in retail
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

FDI in retail – Boon or Bane?

  • ‘FDI in retails’ would mean the re-birth of an advanced supply chain management (SCM) structure. People are fooled to pay an enormous amount for a product which usually has a cheaper market value. This new management system is expected