World economy dependance on India growth
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Can the world economy bank upon India for growth?

Background :-
  • The exchange of international goods in monetary terms is called the world economy.
  • India is the sixth largest economy according to nominal GDP and third largest according to purchasing power party (PPP).
Yes :-
  • With the tag of
women better managers than men
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Are women better managers than men?

Points in favour – Women are better managers than men:
  • Women are more patient and composed while making decisions. It’s because of the way women are raised.
  • In general, women manage their work at home as well as at the
Technology income inequality
General GD Topics Social GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Is Technology creating income inequalities?

  • Technology is seeing exponential growth in recent times. It has taken over various aspects of human day-to-day jobs as well as other factors. Now the question that persists is that is this technology reaching out to every individual equally?
should beauty pageants be banned
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Should Beauty pageants be banned?

  • First-ever beauty pageant in America was conducted in 1854 by entrepreneur Phineas Taylor Barnum. After this, so many beauty events were conducted worldwide. With time, it became an industry in itself and a lot of techniques are used to
how to handle abstract gd topics
How to Guides Abstract GD Topics

How to handle Abstract GD Topics?

What is an Abstract GD topic: Broadly, we can divide GD topics into 3 categories;
  • Knowledge-based topics – Topics on the Indian Economy, World summits, International affairs, Supreme Court judgments ..etc.
  • Opinionated topics – Should reservations be banned?, Small states