us mexico wall
Political GD Topics International GD Topics

US-Mexico border wall – Good or Bad?

  • The US and Mexico share a border of 1900 miles which includes uninhabited desert, major cities, and the Rio Grande River. However, about 700 miles is already covered with fences, concrete barricades, gunboats, drones, SUV’s.
  • Trump began his presidential
indian banking challenges
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics

Challenges to Indian Banking sector

Emerging challenges:-
  • Asset quality is under tremendous pressure due to continued economic slowdown and increase in the rise of the levels of Gross nonperforming advances and NPA’s.
  • One of the major problems is Large Over dues of farmers in small
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Child labour in India

Causes of child labour :-
  • Poverty leads to child labour. Poor families with large numbers make their children work to keep the income steady.
  • Children are cheap source of labor compared to adults. Therefore to cut the labour costs, children
climate change
Environment GD Topics

Climate Change – What can we do about it?

What is Climate change :-
  • A recent NASA study has shaken the entire world with its space-based report that this year, the average rise in the concentration of Carbon Dioxide present in the atmosphere has been stated as the highest
artificial intelligence (AI) - pros & cons
General GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Artificial intelligence (AI) – Pros & Cons

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI):
  • The ability of a computer system or a machine to behave intelligently with some human traits is known as artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Driverless cars, interpretation of human speech, high-level gaming strategies, decoding complex data etc