General GD Topics Social GD Topics

India’s population growth

  • According to the estimates of the United Nations (UN), India will overtake China as the most populous nation in the year 2023.
  • As of 2020, India has over 138 crore people and China’s population is over 140 crore people.
Should Hindi be the National language of India
General GD Topics

Should Hindi be the National language of India?

  • On 14th September 2019, which is a Hindi Diwas, the present Union Home minster Amit Shah said that ‘One Nation, One Language‘ is needed to strengthen the unity of the country. He opined that Hindi should be made the
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics

How to reduce NPA?

What is NPA :-
  • ‘Non-performing Assets’ (NPA) are the loans that are not repaid and are not generating any income to the lender.
  • Around Rs. 6 lakh crore worth loans are classified as NPA as of 2017 and are causing
Economic GD Topics

Merger of PSU banks – Is it really necessary?

Background :-
  • Government of India is planning to merge government owned banks to create a few strong banks that can compete in a global race.
  • PSU banks were hit hardly by Non-performing Assets (NPA). This is the reason Indian government
Current Affairs GD Topics

Digital India

What is the ‘Digital India’ program:
  • ‘Digital India’ was launched in July 2015 by the Government of India. This is started with the aim to achieve three interconnected goals. They are
    • Availability of high-speed internet to each and every citizen.