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Tightening H-1B visa rules – Is it Fair?

Theme :-
  • US government under Donald Trump’s rule proposed multiple bills to tighten H-1B visa rules. One of them aimed at rising the minimum wage requirement to $130000 from $60000.
In Favor :-
  • IT companies in USA, especially Indian based
Political GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics

Union Budget 2017-18 – Is it beneficial for the common man?

What is Union Budget :-
  • Union Budget is the annual report of India’s finances for the financial year.
  • Till 2016, Union budget was presented on the last working day of February. From 2017, it is being presented on February 1st,
sad man
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Are Men silent sufferers in this modern world?

Yes :-
  • There are male victims of domestic violence, who are suffering in silence because they are afraid of society’s response, if they open up about their problems. Society is more likely to belittle men, who fall victim to domestic
donald trump
Political GD Topics International GD Topics

Is Nationalism taking over Globalism?

In Favor :-
  • Donald Trump, the present President of USA banned refugees and immigrants from 7 Muslim countries. This is the biggest sign of growing Nationalism in United States of America.
  • Donald Trump won in presidential election of USA because
cyber crimes
General GD Topics Social GD Topics Technology GD Topics

How can we deal with increasing Cyber Crimes?

  • Around 11,592 cases of cyber crimes were reported across India in 2015, the number is 26 folds more than the cases reported in 2006 accounting 453 cases.
  • Financial fraud and identity theft are the most common cyber crimes. A