Should Politics and Business be mixed?

Politics and business

Politics and business should be mixed :-

  • In an open market, a business entity will always back a political group that is more capitalistic. This backing is often in the form of donations. Thus, both the legal and political entities are benefitted.
  • All the political parties thrive on donation amounts received from the public. Business groups have the democratic right to back their favored group.
  • Since most of the nations in the modern world are stringently capitalistic, business is the driver of a country’s GDP. Government policies regulate the industries. The formulations of these policies require consultations and inclusion of the businesses themselves. Thus, the communication of politics and business becomes inevitable.
  • If the person has conservative views or say liberal views and wants to spread the market only to conservative or liberal then it could prove to be a smart business.
  • The collaboration between the business and government sectors could help in increasing the employability and also help in filling the skill gap.
  • Various government policies have helped in the development of the micro, small and medium enterprises.
  • A private business venture is governed by a lot of government policies which forces the companies to be in contact with the whole lot of big or small political parties and hence increases the chances of development.
  • Politics mixing up with the businesses can act as a trigger for them to fulfill their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),e. the responsibility they owe towards the development of their environment and surroundings.
  • Government services are the mostly the only civic amenities present in villages. However, so long, they have been shabby. Government – corporate nexus can bring the private services nearer to the villages by formulating policies favoring both the corporates and the public – thus bringing to the villages both better quality of services and employment.
  • Businesses become a way of influencing foreign countries as well. The signing of Free Trade Agreements, etc. do not only facilitate smooth business but also are a signature of amicable relations between the participating countries.
  • Having the same political views may lead to better understanding between the employees as well as with customers which helps in building more friendly relationships.
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Politics and business should not be mixed :-

  • It is easy for political parties to escape the disclosure of their donors’ names. Thus, it becomes an easy way for corporates to convert black money to white.
  • Monetary donations are a great way for corporates to influence the decisions made by a government. Higher the donation, the closer a person can get to the party heads. Thus, this paves way for lobbying.
  • The government has still a lot of control over several industries like mining, real estate, and fertilizer industries. This opens routes for corruption as politicians often allow speedy licensing, etc. in exchange for bribes.
  • Increasing capitalism may seem to be the way of the modern society, but it has also led to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. Companies often tend to remain away from less profitable villages. The costs of small services also increase with increasing market domination.
  • When private entities start encroaching the space in which the government should have been acting, it becomes an excuse for the government to escape all the blame.
    • For example, privatization of public health care won’t only increase the prices but will also further downgrade healthcare in the government’s priorities.
  • Business and Politics should not be mixed as it may narrow down your market focus to which you can sell and expand your market.

Conclusion :-

A healthy co-operation between politics and business will always help the society. The relationship between the Business and Politics is much like the relationship of compromise and mutual understanding.

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1 Comment

  1. Tinku paul

    According to me business and police should not mixed but business man always hand in glove with politicians because of they get advantage, if they have any problems through politicians they can solve the problem and politicians need vote bank and to run their party required money I e they want to take care business man . Business man chose their candidate who win the election and will go to parliament and assembly as per their choice I e politicians also want to take care of them. But common people suffer , essential commodities prices are hiking day by day there is problem

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