Should ‘Right to Privacy’ have limits?

right to privacy


  • Right to privacy refers to the concept that one’s personal information needs protected from public scrutiny.
  • The right to privacy is intrinsic to life and liberty and comes under Article 21.
  • On August 24, 2017 Supreme Court declares that ‘Right to Privacy’ is a Fundamental right.


  • It is already mentioned by Judiciary that Right to Privacy is not an absolute right. If needed it is subject to reasonable restriction.
  • Privacy prompts lack of accountability as people can do wrong things and no one will see them.
  • Right to Privacy can create misbehavior and lawlessness, people may commit crimes and it may get hard with no proper ways to prove them wrong.
  • Too much privacy can result in failure to exchange ideas or learn from other, which will hinder intellectual growth.
  • Right to Privacy can prevent media or policing agencies to show the private information of criminals or terrorists.
  • Right to Privacy can create a sense of alienation, people will be more into themselves.


  • With privacy one can form a sense of individuality, forming his own ideas, values and beliefs.
  • It will give all the basic rights to the citizen which are, Right to be left alone, Right to freedom of thought, Freedom of expression.
  • Prevents the misuse of personal data by any firm or person.
  • Privacy gives the right to question the authority, people can ask what government is doing with their information.
  • This will prompt the corporates to adopt better policies to safeguard their member privacy.
  • Prevents the breach of security, which we saw in the Aadhaar case these days.
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Situation in other countries:-

  • Germany has very strict privacy laws to prevent their people’s information, these laws were troublesome to organization like Facebook and Google in recent years.
  • The Data Protection Directive adopted by the European Union in 1995, which shield the Personal Data within European Union.
  • Sweden has ‘Data Act 1973’, to protect the privacy of personal data on computers.
  • The Personal information Protection and Electronic Development Act governs the collection and usage of personal info in Canada.
  • USA doesn’t have any privacy laws though its ‘Fourth Amendment to the constitution’ is has clauses protecting the same.


The government should come up with better data security laws and not strengthening the Privacy rules. A data protection regime coupled with Right to Privacy will be our way forward. This way we can build a strong nation.

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Afterwords :- Do you think Right to Privacy should have limits? Express your opinion in the comment section below.

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