Impact of Social Networking on our lives :-

  • Social networking is imbibed in our lives so much that this generation cannot imagine their lives without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
  • Social networking sites changed our lives drastically that its impact cannot be ignored.
  • Positive impact :-

    • Communication has become a lot easier. We can now easily communicate and maintain relationships with people from any part of the world.
    • Social networking sites brought governance closer to people. Political leaders and govt officials are also using social network sites to interact with citizens.
    • Finding a job is never been this easier. One can buildup her/his profile online, apply for jobs and can attract the job opportunities.
    • Healthy competition of businesses. Social media acts as a level playing field for businesses to market themselves. People can now easily market their products.
    • Now people can express their opinions and can share their experiences easily.
    • Social media makes people aware of the happenings around the world.
    • It has become easier to help people in need. Whether it’s a medical emergency or a natural calamity, people are forming groups and offering help.
    • Good also spread easily. Many are now donating used items to less fortunate.
    • We are meeting like-minded people.
  • Negative impact :-

    • Social networking sites put pressure on its users to exhibit their lives as happier and different than the rest. This may stress and anxiety.
    • There is also a pressure to look more fit and beautiful. Though it’s good to some extent, it is causing unbearable stress especially among youth.
    • These sites are very distracting in nature.
    • Students are getting addicted to social media leaving their studies behind.
    • Cyber bullying and threats from strangers have increased.
    • Many are now preferring virtual communication over real conversations.
    • Some youth are getting attracted to risky trends like selfies at dangerous places.
    • Anonymity can ruin lives sometimes. People write hate and offensive comments without revealing their true identity.
    • These days fake news is going viral giving misinformation to public.
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Conclusion :-

We cannot disagree with the fact that social networking sites made our lives much easier than before. Though there is some negative impact, we can mitigate it with improved awareness. We should utilize social networking sites and should not let it control our lives.

Afterwords :- Did we miss any point? What are your views on social networking? Express your thoughts in the comment section below.

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  • Praveenkumar, Apr 13, 2021 @ 11:11 am Reply

    The topics are very useful for job seekers to learn something new …..😇

    • Team GD Ideas, Apr 13, 2021 @ 11:59 am Reply

      Thank you for the compliment Praveen.

  • jaydeep, Apr 4, 2021 @ 7:46 pm Reply

    on my opinion now days social networking site is very useful our life because everybody know about what is doing around you/world it just a platform to provide news, sharing and express their opinion , etc..
    social networking site having a positive and negative impact but using these site people will be very careful don’t believe any fake news unless the news was fake or not…….

  • Akshay, Mar 30, 2021 @ 10:51 pm Reply

    Social networking is important in day to day life. We can get any information in one click….it’s good but we don’t forget that it also harmful for us. Any teenagers are addicted to social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. They can’t focus on there studies.

  • Shabeena, Jan 4, 2020 @ 3:02 pm Reply

    In my opinion social networking plays a major role in our lives people can’t imagine their lives without Facebook,Twitter, what’s app, Instagram recently so many are addicted to tiktok also even I also addicted later I control myself to stop doing and using. Recently I faced a situation related to a fake notification fst I applied they asked 175 rs for examination fee and they said that admit card will sent by post after 1 mnth they sent post to me on the top of the post they wrote admit card and post man said if you want this you should pay 525rs for it I shocked and I pay 525rs to him and i took my post and opened all it is fake they sent me white papers. So be alert while we are browsing the internet and come across this fake notifications. If you use limited it will be benefited if you use more and more you have to pay compensation regarding to your health and unwanted stress

  • Nandam yasaswini, Jan 23, 2019 @ 8:04 pm Reply

    Yes I agree with you but social networking is good and bad also

  • Darshika, Sep 11, 2018 @ 6:40 pm Reply

    Social networking sites were started on the internet in the form of generalised online communication to group the people having same interest & to share their ideas.It has helped to enhance communication between the people.Social networking sites have created an all new & separate world of itself where the mass is provided with everything they need at one point be it education, entertainment, finance, food & drinks, heath & fitness, home & auto, lifestyles, news, productivity, religion & spirituality, shopping, sports, travel and a lot more.Social networking has brought governance closer to people since political leaders & govt. officials are also using these sites to interact with its citizens, it has become an easy platform to express our views & raise our voice against injustice. Finding jobs & recruiting candidates have never been this easier & simpler, employers make their groups & update there pages with the job description & details & suitable candidates can apply through them online. Whether we talk about starting a new business or expanding the current business social networking has played a key role here as well. Social networking has brought forward the opportunity of helping the people in need. Every idea, innovation or development has both positive as well as negative phase attached to it but it majorly depends on the people which phase they want to connect with, although the negative phase would resist we should always find ways to overcome.

  • Tinku paul, Jan 17, 2018 @ 7:23 am Reply

    According to me Social networking site is helpful for people. Science is the great boon of our society,. There is some good and bad aspects, as a human being we have to decide which one we will take, good one or bad one , we have to control ourselves and personal things should not share with publicly.

  • Priyanka Taneja, Aug 30, 2017 @ 11:05 am Reply

    With limited and necessary use ,people get benefitted using social networks.There are some abused sites which will be banned by government as these diverts the people what actually they searching for.Before using social media,one should make their mind confined to search only those things which they require, otherwise getting diverted causes complete wastage of time.

  • Vikas, Aug 15, 2017 @ 6:14 pm Reply

    That constant urge to stand out of the crowd and the feeling of being ignored on social sites are increasing depression cases among youths and social sites being used to circulate propaganda and ideologies of certain groups has disastrous effects on a society

  • mukesh, Jun 15, 2017 @ 5:21 pm Reply

    a limited and good use of it is benefited ……
    an unfair use and negligence use make it harmful .

  • Nimesh, Jun 8, 2017 @ 11:44 pm Reply

    Hi, although Your point is valid, fake site does not make a valid point even if you could have said fake news, which basically induces people more like illiterate people of specific country, as they don’t have a vast knowledge of technology and those people are targeted through these social networking sites. So one should always use them in a way to get entertained , communicated and learned.

    Hope it helps, hopefully we could discuss more on this with resort of others.

  • nisha, Jun 8, 2017 @ 12:22 pm Reply

    yes we should use social networking sites when we have need and very carefull to fake sites

  • Nimesh, Jun 8, 2017 @ 10:52 am Reply

    yes , the points you have made above are absolutely correct, though it needs to be explored yet , any kind of false news should not be affect people until they allow themselves to react on those issues ,which create unnecessary web-war on social network, and in real lives as well. after all this is well known that everything what comes in technology advancement each has its own side effects thus one should always try to utilize the technology whether in virtual life or in real life, in a positive way so that the real usage of social networking could be established.

  • sudhir, Feb 24, 2017 @ 5:24 pm Reply

    yes .there are also additional of points should be mantioned like
    we should not crossing the limits of social media use so that we will not be addicted,and that should not be affect on our health and behaviours which is harmfull to human life.

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