Social networking sites – Boon or Bane?

social networking sites - boon or bane

What is a Social networking site:

  • Social networking sites (SNS) are online platforms where people can meet other people and can make friendships. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are a few examples of SNS.
  • Social networking was started on the internet in the form of generalized online communities to group people having the same interests and to share their ideas.
  • The first recognizable social networking site is which was launched in 1997.
  • Now, there are lots of social networking sites for specific interests.

Social networking sites – Boon:

  • We can keep in touch with friends in today’s busy world. Moreover, we can find our friends easily, even if we lost contact.
  • We can share our ideas, information and knowledge with those, who have the same interests, even if they are so many miles away from us.
  • Many companies are developing interactive communities that connect individuals to share business needs & experiences.
  • Students are connecting with employers via LinkedIn kind of SNS for job opportunities and internships.
  • Generally, social networking sites create a positive atmosphere. For example, many social networking sites don’t send notifications, if someone is removed as a friend.

Social networking sites – Bane:

  • People are increasingly comparing their lives with others who are projecting their life as perfect. This decreases happiness levels and also can lead to self-esteem issues for many people, especially teenagers.
  • Privacy is a big drawback of SNS. Cybercriminals use the personal information of others for malicious intentions.
  • Addiction is another big drawback of SNS. Many people are spending several hours per day on social networking sites such as Instagram, Twitter etc. Spending in front of the computer for long hours creates many health problems.
  • A lot of SNS users are preferring online conversations rather than face-to-face conversations. It is affecting their real-life communication skills, relationships and even mental health.
  • Children and teenagers are vulnerable to cybercrimes.
  • Gossips and rumours can become viral in an instant, which can cause trauma for the people involved.
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Social networking sites are a boon. But children and teenagers must be guided by their guardians because they are vulnerable to cybercrimes. When we use the sites for the advantages they provide without disclosing too much personal information, we can utilize the sites without becoming a victim to them. However, life will be great if we spend less time on social networking sites and more time in the real world.

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Photo by Cristian Dina from Pexels

Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.


  1. Aditya

    So in my point of view SNS is bane but also boon because sometimes it guide childrens and teenagers but sometimes it becomes a big threat for us

  2. Ajay patel

    I Think Social Media is boon & important for educated person or sincere person but it is bane for children because children is greenhorn


    so no one can decide whether social networking sites are boon or a
    bane it depends on how we use it whether for our betterment or for our degradation

  4. anonymous

    I think social networking sites are good but we should use it carefully. If we use it in proper way we will be happy.

  5. Neeraj

    Social networking sites is a boon everybody and affects our body’s.

  6. Steffanie Hoecker

    Real excellent visual appeal on this web site, I’d value it 10 10.

  7. Vijay kumar

    Self knowledge build a good but overknowledge is bad.

  8. M Watson Jr

    I prefer not to use Twitter or Facebook ,because of causes I have.My favorite social web sites are Google+,notCY and TeachStreet.I find these web sites more interesting ,because they provide many interesting options for their users.

  9. Anil

    Yes, it’s a boon and a bane. Everything has some advantages and disadvantage. It depends on user how they use that. It’s their mentality. And we can’t change someone’s mentality.

    • Dainal patel

      In my opinion social media is boon. I think social networking sites are good.we should use carefully and proper way.

  10. Bibin Inba Kumar

    Thanks. I felt very interesting about this topic.
    I think it's a boon

  11. sampath sampoorani

    i think social network is both having boon and bane, because it is having communicate our friend and all the peoples to sharing all the information for any time any where , then have to make lot of friendz in their use to help emergeny, at the same time some buddy peoples have to created fake id to sending unwanted information and gathering our information to using badly so its for bane to danger us, so please use limit its… thank you, by, P.Sampath.BCA.,

  12. priya dasu

    hey nice appu its 100% truth ………………………there is equal chances boon or bane .. But is it used in good way or not depends on us ………………

    • Ayan

      I m agree with you…..??

  13. Sanobiya Choudhry

    I Think Social Networking Sites Is A Bane

  14. Sachin More

    nice explaination thanx.

  15. fazil pasy

    I think that social networking is essential for us. The reason is that with the help of these sites we can easily communicate with our friends with minimum cost as compare to mobile and we can make new friends. These sites help us to know that what is going in the world in instant of time.

    But keeping in mind that social networking is a virtual world not real. Its awareness is very important for every human being those uses these sites. Remember excess of any is very harmful.

    Enjoy the life with social networking

  16. Sudhir Yadav

    it is bane and bone both depending upon the way in which you are using it.

  17. gowtham padmanabhan

    finding more time in social networks will curtail the problem solving skills of the students. really it is the bane for our country.

  18. gowtham padmanabhan

    now a days students finding more time in using social networks. this will reduce the problem solving techniques of the students in real world.this will curtail the self confidence of the students.

  19. Mankeshwar Tripathi

    Yes, Social Media is certainly influenced the youth. We can see that influence that most of us just get dependent upon the news and updates mostly on the social sites. If something happens, we first go to search our social site pages and then comes the secondary.
    Here another point of discussion to participate Merits and Demerits of Social Networking sites

  20. shabeer shajahan

    guys all are happened from our view on the matter…
    if we felt one is good we will follows it.. or else we wont… am i right or not??

  21. Umesh Makode

    Every coin has two faces it's depend on us.
    how we getting from it.
    Awesome thought thank you

  22. Umesh Makode

    Every coin has two faces it's depend on us how we getting from it.
    awesome thought thank you keep it up ……

  23. Neha Verma

    We can observe as a boon so its a boon and as a curse so its curse..
    For my side its a boon for me..

  24. Neha Verma

    We can observe as a boon so its a boon and as a curse so its curse..
    For my side its a boon for me..

  25. Neha Verma

    We can observe as a boon then its boon and as a curse so its curse.. But for my side its a boon for us…

  26. Anonymous

    Hi, Thanks a lot.. for you information ..
    It helps me a lot.


  27. Anonymous

    i have got so much help from ur post that i need not to go anywhere in d net for further reading

  28. sunil

    it helps me a lot thanks………………………

  29. Anonymous

    it is a bane fpr physical health

  30. Anonymous

    yeah its both, boon as well as bane it literally depends upon the person for which purpose he/she is using these sns ……

  31. Anonymous

    itsssssssssss AAAAA aaaaa BOOOOOONNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. appu srva

    Nice point… It may be because SNS are good contact directories. :)

  33. Nishant Arora

    Yes i totally agree it is a boon and a bane, it totally depends on the user how to use them. but the point to keep in mind is that there are more advantages than disadvantages, so neglecting the negative points. it is a boon

    An Irony in this field is, those who are against SNS themselves have an account on such sites… you agree?

  34. Anonymous

    really nice…its very useful for us

  35. Anonymous

    Hey buddy,u doing great job by posting blogs on hot topics like above..its helpfull..keep posting..thnks :)

  36. Anonymous

    ya it's very very good……

  37. Anonymous

    i am totally agree with conclusion.. thank u so much 4 the blog..

  38. Anonymous

    it should be use in limited way……….as we all know excess of everything is harmful……….

  39. Anonymous

    I feel likely to have the views on the topic "IS OUR PRESENT EDUCATION SYSTEM-BOON OR BANE"

  40. Anonymous

    I think it has equal number of pros and cons..

  41. Anonymous

    it si a controversial or nice topic , bt i think SNS is a boon for now a day.

  42. Anonymous

    Its really great..u r helping so many people like this..Thanks

  43. Anonymous

    it is both boon and bane

  44. Anonymous

    i think its a boon and curse

  45. Anonymous

    Its very nice blog appu………please keep it on with more topics….specially current hot topics.It will be very helpful for fresers..

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