relevance of wto
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics International GD Topics

Relevance of WTO in today’s global scenario

Theme :-
  • Amid US-China trade war, Trump’s threats to withdrew from WTO (World Trade Organization) and increasing importance of regional trade blocs, is WTO losing its influence? Is it still relevant in the new global era?
Why WTO is under…
plastic pollution
Environment GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics General GD Topics

Plastic Pollution

What is Plastic pollution:
  • Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic on earth which is negatively impacting the environment and living beings. Plastic is non-biodegradable and takes approx 500 to 1000 years to completely degrade.
The intensity of the situation:…
street food ban
General GD Topics

Should street food be banned?

Yes – Street food should be banned:
  • In most cases, street food is prepared in an unhygienic way.
  • It is very difficult to conduct checks on hygiene at all the street food making places.
  • Street food carts encroach footpaths, parking
cambridge anaytica gd topic
Current Affairs GD Topics Ethical GD Topics

Facebook – Cambridge Analytica data scandal

What is Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal :-
  • In 2013, Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm took personal data from people through an app on Facebook named ‘This is your Digital Life‘. They conducted a quiz to know users’ personal ideologies
GDPR gd topic
Current Affairs GD Topics

EU’s GDPR – Impact on India

Theme :-
  • ‘European Union‘ (EU) implemented ‘General Data Protection Regulation‘ (GDPR) with effective from May 25th, 2018.
What is GDPR :-
  • GDPR was designed to protect the ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ (PII) of EU’s citizens.
  • It is applicable to all the